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教育部重編國語辭典修訂本-主站. Introducing the Taiwanese Language. New blog for learning Taiwanese January 31st, 2012 It’s been a long time since I last posted, but I have to let you know about a new blog aimed at teaching English speakers the basics of Taiwanese.

Introducing the Taiwanese Language

It’s called Taiwanlang and the author, Ted (or Thē-ti in Taiwanese), is a Taiwanese-American with a mission to inform. Check it out, and leave him an encouraging message on his site! Maryknoll Taiwanese-English dictionary data available June 23rd, 2010 Maryknoll have just updated their with an Excel-format spreadsheet of the content of their Taiwanese-English dictionary. Father Clarence Engler, leader of the dictionary team at Maryknoll, has informed me that there is no electronic file of the other dictionary they publish, the English-Amoy dictionary (the manuscript was produced in the days before personal computers). EDIT: Father Engler has just emailed to say that the spreadsheet has not been fully proof-read, and likely contains errors, especially in the Chinese characters. June 17th, 2010. Textbook-of-MLT-1990 with English Instruction. Untitled. 高雄市閩南語自編教材. Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Taiwan's language situation. By Victor H.

Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Taiwan's language situation

Mair University of Pennsylvania 五方之民,言語不通 Wu fāng zhī mín, yányǔ bù tōng. "The languages of the people in all directions are [mutually] unintelligible. " Li ji [Record of Ritual], "Wang zhi [Royal Institutions]" 四方談異. 言語不達 Yányǔ bù dá. 我手寫我口 Wǒ shǒu xiě wǒ kǒu. Pháiⁿ-sè. Tâi-oân Hö-ló-oë: Hö<sup>.</sup> Chhut-goä-lâng iöng ê Hö-ló-oë (English) Foreign Languages. Tâi-oân Hö-ló-oë, although used by more than 70% of the Taiwanese population, is not yet an official language.

Tâi-oân Hö-ló-oë: Hö<sup>.</sup> Chhut-goä-lâng iöng ê Hö-ló-oë (English) Foreign Languages

For more information on Taiwan, check out the Yahoo! -style Yam Navigator, and City.Net Taiwan. Back to the Foreign Languages for Travelers page. Travlang Electronic Translators --- Travlang Downloadable Language Courses --- Travlang Language StoreDiscount Travel --- Airport Parking Created by Michael C. . © 1995-2006 Travlang Online, Inc.. The footer file "footer.txt" not be opened.

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Learn Taiwanese from a Foreigner in Taiwan

Or just take a break from 普通話/國語 and learn something different? Mike Campbell, recently featured on CTI News and Apple Daily in Taiwan, has posted a free series of lessons on Youtube that cover basic Taiwanese right up to talking about business using Taiwanese. Mike uses a mix of English and Mandarin to teach Taiwanese, so having a basic understanding of Chinese would be ideal before jumping in, though I found that the Mandarin really helps in understanding what is being taught. Sorry to people behind the GFW, I couldn’t find these videos anywhere except Youtube While learning Taiwanese might not be essential for foreigners on the mainland, if you visit Taiwan or plan on living there, especially in the south, you might find that you need to at least learn a few basics.

You can find more videos from Mike on his Youtube channel, and on the Facebook page of his organisation, Glossika Language. 台語節目開講. 中國廣播公司全球資訊網. 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典. 123台語教學網. Taiwanese language and pronunciation. Taiwanese is a variety of Mĭn Nán (Southern Min) spoken in Taiwan.

Taiwanese language and pronunciation

The ancestors of the majority of Taiwanese people came from the southern part of Fujian province and their language is very similar to the language of that region, particular to the dialect of Xiamen. Taiwanese is also known as 臺語/台語 (tâi-gí), 福佬 (ho̍h-ló) or Hoklo, 閩南語 (Bân-lâm-gí) or Southern Min, or Taiwan Hokkien. Until the 1980s use of the Taiwanese language was banned in schools and the number of Taiwanese programmes on the radio and television was restricted. These restrictions have now been lifted and Taiwanese is taught as a subject in some schools and used as a medium of instruction in others.

台灣字. News » Taiwanese. In 1979 Singapore launched its campaign for people there to “Strike Hard Against Hoklo, Cantonese, and Other Languages that Your Government Says Are Puny and Insignificant Because They Have Only Tens of Millions of Speakers Apiece,” er, “Speak Mandarin” (Ji?

news » Taiwanese

Ng Huáy? Yùndòng / ?????). The city-state has been marking the the 30th anniversary of this with some speeches, such as one a couple of weeks ago by former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew (L? Gu? Ngyào), now “minister mentor.” Lee described the situation: Thirty years ago I launched the Speak Mandarin campaign. Here, “dialects” is of course the standard misnomer for Sinitic languages other than Mandarin. Lee said that he himself was setting a bad example during the 1960s and 1970s by doing such highly irresponsible things as giving speeches in the native language of the majority of Singapore’s citizens. Lee said that although he understands “the strong emotional ties to one’s mother tongue … the trend is clear.

SOURCES: Lee Kuan Yew speech: All Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese Content. Intermediate Taiwanese Grammar. Random Taiwanese Words and Phrases. 歡迎蒞臨高雄市閩南語教學資源中心. 閩南語教學資料庫. Introducing the Taiwanese Language.