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STM32 Project Consulting. Setting up Eclipse and Code Sourcery lite for STM32 Discovery Development - The STM32 Discovery Scrapbook from Nano Age. Here is a step by step guide to setting up a Open Source Stm32 Arm based embedded development tool chain with the Eclipse IDE. It is Targeted for the ST32-Discovery demo board under Windows (This was implemented under Windows 7 64bit) and uses the open source Code Sourcery version of the Gnu Arm cross assembler. The project will be set up to use the Arm CMSIS Library which provides a common infrastructure for Arm MCU's and the Standard Peripheral Library so you should be able to run any of the STM32 Discovery example projects with this configuration.

First The Requirements. This is what you will need to download. Cortex-M System Design Kit - Now what to do with two more wishes? - ARM Community. Get started with STM32F4 on Ubuntu Linux. Updated 2014-04-03 This tutorial describes how to set up a complete and free toolchain for STM32F4xx microcontrollers, including how to use hardware floating point support.

Get started with STM32F4 on Ubuntu Linux

It is mostly aimed towards beginners with ARM microcontrollers, however, experienced developers could probably find something useful here as well. It is assumed that the reader is a bit familiar with the C programming language and the Bash terminal.


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