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Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe. How to Slim Down Thighs | Fat Thighs or Muscular Thighs? Before you set about losing weight from thighs first understand the factors that influence the size of your thighs. This will allow you to choose the right thigh exercises, tailored to your needs, goals and body type. Women and men have so-called sex-specific fat deposits. Sex hormones affect fat distribution. Estrogen directs fat to deposit around the pelvis, buttocks, and outer and inner thighs of women, while testosterone means men store fat in the belly area. This makes it far more difficult for women to shift fat from the hips, butt and thighs than from other areas of the body – areas of so-called stubborn fat. Your body shape will have significant bearing on the size of your thighs.

Your thighs may simply be large because you have a lot of fat in this area - fatty thighs. The best thigh exercises for you are the ones that don’t simply firm and tone, but strip fat from thighs, to make big thighs smaller (see how to lose fat from thighs). Insanity Fit Test. Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople. Fitness Magazine: Weight-loss plans, video workouts, abs exercises, diet plans, beauty tricks, and health advice. Sweat Salty. Tone It Up! Deck the halls. Free Online Yoga Videos - Classes and Poses | Do Yoga With Me.