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Ruby on Rails Code Audit, Review and Analysis | Allerin. With growing needs of business communities requiring greater functionality and complexity, and most importantly a diverse and flexible system that is stable, it is important that coders deliver a fully functional package, on time and to budget. A business’ success can often ride on how well its IT system works and most businesses in the modern era rely heavily on their IT framework. Bosses know they need to get this right, so concerns about quality of the platform delivered means that some businesses will seek a second opinion on what their contractor has supplied.

This is where code audit and analysis comes in. Though Allerin are experts in their field at building solid software applications, we understand that this is a very competitive market. We also offer a high quality code audit and analysis service for that extra level of protection to put your mind at ease. Allerin’s code audit will check the following aspects: Big Data and Analytics, expertise in Big Data Hadoop | Allerin. Ruby on Rails Outsourcing | Offshore Web Application Development. Offshore outsourcing has proven beneficial to thousands of business across the globe and is increasingly a part of global commerce. An effective outsourcing operation can effectively lower your costs, help you to instigate more efficient working processes and promote better quality of your product or service.

It can also help your business to achieve strategic gains such as improving core competencies in the home office, in your customer service and in your business’ development. Offshore outsourcing helps organizations to streamline core operations while reducing their costs. Benefits of using Offshore Outsourcing: Ruby on Rails Outsourcing Allerin provides a wide range of outsourcing services from creative design to the development of your Ruby on Rails application support. How Others Fail at Offshore Outsourcing We have spoken to many clients about the problems associated with outsourcing and it appears that most businesses that fail tend to do so because they are: iPhone, iOS, Mobile App Development Companies | Allerin. When Apple released the iPhone 3 and OS 2.0 simultaneously in 2008, it created a new era of technology experience. The new way of approaching application and hardware development permitted third-party developers to research, build and release custom applications using iPhone SDK.

The iPhone 3 was the first iPhone to feature the now famous App Store. Steve Jobs announced SDK – The Software Development Kit – in 2006 and scheduled release for 2008; the kit would also permit those third-party developers to test their products prior to release. He believed then that it would revolutionize the mobile industry; now, nearly six years after its release, we take it for granted as a part of our mobile technology experience. iOS apps development goes from strength to strength. Apple's approach to mobile technology continues to expand the boundaries of software development, drive innovation in iOS app development and maintain a market in which third-party developers thrive and grow. Idea behind Ruby on Rails. Rails is the Web application framework written in Ruby language. David Heinemeier Hansson created Rails, and it is also known as Ruby on Rails. The purpose of creating Rails was to make application development easy and fun. Rails is back-end of the Web application while the browser is the front-end.

The Rails framework is developer friendly. It makes the application development easier in many ways. It allows the developers make assumptions and inspires them to think of doing things in a better way. Don’t Repeat yourself : Do not Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle in a programming language is a developer advantage. The idea behind the development and popularity of Rails is its disadvantages presented by popular Web development languages. Increase in productivity: Increase in productivity is the main reason for big portals opting for Rails applications. The Rails framework features clear definition for the interfaces, back- end and front-end.

Collaborative story writing application. Coupon deal management application. Energy management information system. Farm equipment trading application. Information portal. Medical social networking application. Passport application. Recipe management software resized. Survey management system. Visual communication application. Recipe management software.

Allerin. Allerin logo. Objective C without Complexity and complications. “C” for many of us is just a letter from 36 lettered alphabet, but if we ask an iPhone application developer, he will say it as a sanctified letter because the base of iPhone programming is based on this single letter “C.” However, with sundry paybacks “C” correspondingly passes complexity, complication and clutter in iPhone programming. Due to this impediment of C, iPhone programming seems to be tough, however no one would have even realized this toughness or impediment before the announcement of a new programming language “SWIFT” for iOS and OS X development in the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on Monday June 02, 2014 as there was no better alternative for this intricacy. Thus, this programming language is launched with intent to have Objective C without a baggage of C.

This comes as an excellent news for all iOS and OS X developers and establishments that facilitate this programming. Rendering data content via JavaScript template using Dust.js. In today’s competitive date, most of the business owners complain about delay in the loading of their web app. However, we developers, just have to find a way, keeping all limitations under consideration. As when data is coming from the server side, it increases the page rendering time. Most of the times we need to load the live content with regular time interval, which not only makes our task challenging but causes the delay to reload or to replace the data, with new content coming from the server.

It increases the load on server & browser to handle Ajax request with large Html data in response. I have come across an approach of using, JavaScript templates, which will be cached on a browser side, to handle this “loading” time. I have been using templates in JavaScript with the Dust template rendering solution. Advantage to use JavaScript temple: Basic example of dust template. Template: {title} {#names} <li>{name}</li> {/names} {/ul} Json response: Output: Working: {#names}…. Filters in Dust: {? Eager loading in/with Rails. Eager loading is a way to find objects of a certain class and a number of named associations.

Here I share my thoughts on using it with Rails. It mainly occurs when you load the bunch of objects and then for each object you make one more query to find associated object. N + 1 queries problem Consider below schema: Class User << ActiveRecord::Base has_many :addresses end Class Address << ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user end Consider below example for lazy load: Suppose there is only 10 user and each has 3 addresses then in above example 1 query will be fired to find out users. i.e.

And 3 queries to find addresses for each user. i.e. So in above overall 31 queries will be fire 1 to fetch user records and others to fetch records from addresses i.e. 30 (N) which makes N + 1 queries. Above can be optimized by using includes or joins. Using includes User.includes(:addresses) Above 1, query is required to fetch the records from users table. i.e. Using Joins User.joins(:addresses) Same will be for clients. Multi-tenancy in Rails.

What Multi-tenancy means? In simple definition it is a principle in software architecture where a single instance of the application serves multiple client organizations. Here client organizations are considered as a tenant. In a multi-tenant architecture, application is designed virtually to partition its data and configuration so that each client organization works with a customized virtual application instance. Multi-tenant application mainly has three type of users. Admins: These are the clients who own the site and have top-level access. Managers: These are the resources from the company. They manage the projects and users at the company level. Users: These are the end users of this application. Advantages of Multi-tenancy: Cost savings: Multi-tenancy allows for cost savings by considering resources and softwares used in the application.

Multi-tenancy in rails can be achieved with many architectures, some of them are listed below. Using namespaces # Admin controller # User controller.