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Freedom From Religion Foundation. Search FFRF. Faith-free clergy struggle to escape pulpit This discussion, edited for print, was part of FFRF’s 35th national convention in October 2012 in Portland, Ore. DAN BARKER: Now we’re going to be in church for a while. We’ve got ordained clergy — amen, . . . - 03/15/2013 They Said What? You worry about the goings-on in Wisconsin, and we will pray for you and that God will give you some sense. Commissioner Tucker Dorsey, Baldwin County, Ala., responding to FFRF’s letter about prayers ... ‘Secularism prevails’ at University of Windsor Shawna received a $1,000 cash scholarship from FFRF. Urge President Obama to speak up for nonbelievers and gays in BSA Email or phone the President today urging him as honorary president of Boy Scouts of America to support inclusion of gay and nonreligious members, volunteers and leaders. Landover Baptist | Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelco.

Jesus doesn't love you. L'église dans toute sa splendeur. Don't Be On The Toilet When Jesus Comes Back! Don't Get Caught On The Toilet When Jesus Comes Back! True Christian® friends, we know that Jesus is only moments away from making His appearance here on Earth. When He finally shows up, He will not be sharing His unconditional love with any liberal, Boodist, demoncrat, Mary Worshipper, or any other unsaved person. They will be discarded like trash and shipped off to be dumped into the lake of fire where they will burn forever. Our Lord will wonderfully and gloriously destroy every single unsaved person on this so-called "Planet Earth.

" Praise His name! And thank God for the unconditional love He shares with everyone who does exactly what He says. Friends, I just want to make sure that you realize if you are sitting on the toilet when Jesus comes back, and His sweet face peeks into the bathroom, to find you there, He could turn His back on you forever! Jesus is not going to accept any silly excuses.

So let's not get caught on the devil's johnny when the Lord comes a' callin' friends! Facebook | Pastor Deacon Fred. Marché du christ : LABELED BY THE LORD? I Love Satan : The Official Landover Baptist Store. "O" - Obama Letter "O" : The Official Landover Baptist Store. Sexualité d'un bon baptiste : Bible Based Sex. Tampons: Satan's Little Cotton Fingers. TAMPONS: "Satan's Little Cotton Fingers! " Landover Ladies Vow to "Stop Satan From Pulling The Strings! " Ladies of Landover member Mrs. Taffy Davenport-Gaines Crockett, visiting the Landover Christian Pharmacy recently to refill the church tract display, happened upon a shocking sight. A young woman was visibly upset and arguing loudly with pharmacist Emma Mae Martin. What Mrs. Crockett discovered next sickened her unto the point of nausea. "The young woman was trying to buy tampons," Mrs. “I explained to this young lady that we do not carry such phallic devices as tampons and when attending to her monthly curse," Mrs.

"A Godly woman is only to use a Maxi-Pad," Mrs. "Toxic Shock Syndrome is God's way of punishing unsaved harlots who choose Satan’s cotton fingers over a Godly pad," Pastor Deacon Fred stated upon hearing of the event. Church members are commanded to talk to your teen-age daughters, and search their rooms if you have to. Mrs. Mrs. Copyright 1998-2008, Christian Hackers Release Holy Enema Virus. FREEHOLD IA-- Satan got cyber-slammed this week when Landover Baptist hackers raided over 300 of America's most explicit "special interest" pornography websites. 81-year-old Helen Floribunda, group leader for the 17 hackers recruited for the "Scat and Golden Shower" team, recounted: "With the Sword of Christ, my 15-year-old grandson Gil would break into a site and then the rest of us would do the Lord's work on their possessed server.

" Mrs. Floribunda's team would then transfer usernames, passwords and all credit card information to optical disks. "We would then download all those nasty pictures – Lord knows you wouldn't believe some of what we saw! – and place pictures of Bibles over the naughty parts – there was some folks that needed a whole shelf of Good Books – add some words of Scripture and upload them back onto the demon's server before anyone knew what hit them.

" "This was a class act operation," said Brother Harry Hardwick. Copyright 1998-2007, Americhrist Ltd. Christian Kids Corner | Landover Baptist Church. Welcome to Landover Baptist's, "Kristian Kids Korner," a safe haven for Christian kids, surfing the web. Enjoy hours of Godly fun as the Holy Spirit steers you away from liberals, Demoncrats, Cathylicks, and disgusting pornographic smut. How Comes The Obama Gets To Be A Presidents? Mr. Hannity was talking about our Lord Jesus as usuals and then brought him up a picture of the gang city rapper he called the Obama... Learn More! Why Did Jesus Have Long Hair Like a Homo? Why Does God Hate Trailer Trash? Will I see My Grandpa Naked After the Rapture? Do Retardeds Go to Heaven? Why Doesn't Jesus Just Zap All the Evil Doers? Did the Lord Jesus Ever Get Zits? Do Pets Go to Heaven?

Does Jesus Watch Me Go Poopy? Why Did Baby Jesus Give the Injuns Tiny Tallywhackers? Did I Once Swim Out of My Daddy's Privates? Republican Children Just Like YOU Have Some Serious Questions About The Obama! Learn How to Report Mommy and Daddy to the FBI! Check Out the "White House For Kids" Page! Je vais voir les boules de Papy au paradis ? Will I See My Grandpa Naked After the Rapture? Dear Pastor, I learneded in my Left Behind books and my Chick tracts that when the Rapture comes, Lord Jesus maybe reaching His hand right down out of Heaven to snatch us up so fast to Glory that He leaves our CLOTHES behind! My Momma told me that bein’ nekkid and lookin’ at other folks who is nekkid is just flat out WRONG. I understand that Jesus may be makin’ Christian folks nekkid in Heaven so He can tell ‘em apart from all the unsaved folks.

But I think the unsaved folks is gonna have missing heads and body parts from when Jesus killed ‘em, so it will be easy to tell them apart. What is really gonna happen, Pastor? Sincerely, Kimmy Williams (Age 11) Dear Kimmy, First let me say it is an absolute joy to hear testimony from a precious young lady like yourself. You are probably asking yourself, “Why will Jesus be removing our reproductive organs and teats before we get to Heaven?” I hope that clears up any concerns you may have, little Kimmy. Child's Depiction of Henry Gates Wins National Award at Current.

Child's Depiction of Henry Gates Wins National Award at "Current Events Coloring Contest! " Freehold, Iowa - Christian children across America were asked to depict the most important issue in America today, as reported on television. They were put in a room with several TV sets, tuned to every major news network. Armed with a box of crayons, a piece of paper, and their own Christian perspective, the kids were given 2-hours to come up with a drawing to be entered into the "Current Events Coloring Contest.

" Contest Winner Click Here to Enlarge Image Landover Baptist congratulates William Evans Crenshaw (Billy) from Freehold, Iowa as this year's winner, selected from over 2,000 entries. Contest winner, Billy Crenshaw receives the Grand Prize - a Mel Gibson signed copy of “The Passion of the Christ” on High Definition Blu-Ray. With Michael Jackson Dead, The World Becomes a Safer Place For C. "The world today is twice as safe for our precious children than it was yesterday when Michael Jackson was still alive and prowling," said Pastor Deacon Fred. "Especially little lily-white boys with well-shaped heinies and the ability to keep a secret. Our sources say that Mr. Jackson loved them the best.

" Pastor explained that millions of boys across will be able to play outside for the first time, without fear of Mr. Jackson driving by and stuffing them into his limousine to ply them with hard liquor (so-called, Jesus Juice) and cozy compliments. However, he noted that the world is not still completely safe. "Parents still have to protect their children from Catholic Priests," he said. On the evening of June 25th, Baptist ministry leaders learned that Michael Jackson's nose caved in on itself after one too many plastic surgeries and he suffocated during his Demerol-laced sleep. Landover Baptist Ministries revealed that they received detailed information about Mr. Harry Potter l'homo. Our ongoing battle against the forces of evil, manifest through J.K. Rowling and her homosexual hero, Harry Potter, are documented and updated on this page when the Lord Jesus calls us to do so. The Make Believe World of Harry Potter Is Driving Children to the Edge of Insanity!

Progress Reports in Our Battle Against the Forces of Darkness (for full memo and action alert - scroll down!) : Emergency JESUS YOUTH Memo Regarding Release of Half-Blood Prince - July 2009: Our "Extinguishing the Half-Blood of a Prince With the Full-Blood of the Lamb" campaign kicks off on July 15. Landover Baptist's JESUS YOUTHS will be visiting local public theaters wearing t-shirts and jeans (disguised as secular, unsaved trash).

Emergency Memo - September 2008: The Landover Baptist Board of Directors approved $17.5 million in church tithes to be directed to the "Center For Ongoing Background Check of J.K. Emergency Memo - November 2001: Landover Baptist holds the largest book burning in American history. Disney PIXAR's, "Up" - The Sugarcoating of Pedophilia! It goes without saying, but we'll say it anyway: If the sight of an old man with balloons in a confined space, alone with a little boy doesn't raise every anointed hair on your Godly neck, then you need to check yourself into a Baptist Mental Hospital! It doesn't matter if a man-balloon-boy combo is presented in a book, in a movie, or in real life - as True Christians™, what might seem innocent to the untrained (unsaved) eye, when seen through the Eyes of Christ, calls forth images that could only be described as a potpourri of pedophilia!

This sexually explicit and perverted combination of an old man, balloons, and a little boy is the subject of Disney PIXAR's lewd little new film, Up. And yes, Christian friends, we are living in the Last Days. So, it shouldn't shock you to hear that Up is rated G and is marketed to your children. Disney's trickery knows no bounds. Some churches, like Landover Baptist are pro-active about educating children about the dangers of seeing the movie, Up. Disney PIXAR's, "Up" - The Sugarcoating of Pedophilia! Comment etre femme et baptiste ? Part 4 : "How to Be Ladylike and Christian – At the Same Time! " Ladies, please! Enough with the letters! The response to the first three parts of this series has been staggering. It takes four burly postmen three trips from the mail truck to my veranda twice a day just to deliver the overwhelmingly positive responses to my tips on physical, mental and, most importantly, spiritual health.

With almost every family in Freehold adhering to my advice on diet, exercise and child rearing, the population of Freehold has declined dramatically. Which means more real estate for the rest of us. Now it is time to talk about perhaps the most difficult aspect of being Christian and female – how to manage to be a lady as well. Let’s not forget how disgusting the Lord thinks we are, ladies. At first blush, one might think the key to a happy life for women is to avoid marriage altogether. But don’t despair: this series is all about using religion to your advantage. Well, there you have it, ladies. Homosexualité, pédérastie, viol sur mineur: qui a peur de la vér., le site des “chercheurs de sens”, est resté inaccessible aujourd’hui sur internet de 5 heures du matin à 15 heures 32… La veille avait été mis en ligne le numéro avec un important dossier sur la face cachée des “sexualités périphériques” : un dossier qui fait retour sur l’époque où les revendications homosexuelles et pédérastiques font irruption ensemble dans la société française, comme arme révolutionnaire de destruction de la famille et, à travers elle, de toute la société.

Qui veut empêcher cette analyse et ces informations d'être publiées, à l’heure où les homosexuels réclament le droit au mariage et à l’adoption ? "Nous n’avons pas la réponse nominale, estime Hugues de Blignières, dit Hugues Kéraly, mais le lobby des Gays a des alliés partout… Ne leur permettez pas d’imposer silence à ceux qui osent maintenir un critère moral dans leur jugement sur l’évolution des “faits de société”. Voici l'article qui fait peur. Quand la revendication pédérastique ne se cachait pas. GODF | Grand Orient de France. Typhonian Order -- Ordo Templi Orientis -- Kenneth Grant.

Site de la Jeunesse Adventiste. Le Mouvement Raelien: Vidéos - Résumé des Messages. Le Mouvement Raelien: Téléchargements / E-books en français / Le. Premier livre de toute une série, à lire de préférence en premier. Il y a bien longtemps tout le monde croyait que la terre était plate et que le soleil tournait autour de la terre.Aujourd’hui tout le monde croit que la vie sur terre est soit le résultat du hasard de l’évolution soit l’œuvre d’un dieu surnaturel. Qu’en est-il vraiment ? Dans “Le Message des (de nos) Créateurs”, Rael nous propose une troisième option: à savoir que toute vie sur terre a été créée par des scientifiques d’un autre monde très en avance sur nous. Lors d’une rencontre du 3ème type en 1973, un de ces Créateurs en chair et en os lui a dicté le début d’une série de messages- révélation extraordinaire pour toute l’humanité que vous pouvez découvrir maintenant dans ce livre- Notez que cette nouvelle édition réunit 2 livres précédemment publiés sous les titres suivants «Le livre qui dit la verite» et «Les Extra-Terrestres m'ont emmené sur leur planète».

RaelRadio. RaelRadio: News. Ligue de défense juive. L'Instinctothérapie, Le Vrai Journal - Canal Plus, Source : Le Vrai Journal - Canal Plus, 8 novembre 1998, par Gad Charbi [Résumé] Le reportage commence par une rediffusion d'une précédente émission de Canal Plus, 24 Heures, qui avait été reçue en avril 89 par Guy-Claude Burger pour leur expliquer les principes de l'instinctothérapie : sentir les aliments crus les uns après les autres pour choisir ceux que l'on va ensuite manger. Le journaliste rappelle ensuite que Burger a été condamné pour exercice illégal de la médecine. Le reportage présente ensuite un des ouvrages de Burger, " Manger Vrai ", prétendant révolutionner la médecine. Le classement de l'instinctothérapie dans la liste des sectes du rapport de l'Assemblée nationale en 1995 va alors se faire délier les langues : " le goût de Guy-Claude Burger pour la chair fraîche ne se serait pas cantonné aux régimes alimentaires ", commente le journaliste en rappelant son incarcération depuis plus d'un an pour viol sur mineurs de moins de quinze ans.

Secte : Instinctothérapie. La "guérison par l'alimentation crue" Principe de base : se servir de son instinct alimentaire par la sélection de sa nourriture, avec l'ordonnât qui exprime les besoins de notre organisme, et prévenir voire guérir ainsi la plupart des maladies. Toutefois, cet instinct ne fonctionne que sur la base d'une alimentation dite "originelle", ou encore "d'avant la découverte du feu" : viandes et de poissons crus, de fruits et légumes non épluchés. La variété est assurée, mais les repas sont coûteux malgré le peu de préparation nécessaire. Seulement voilà, la thérapie miracle du gourou fondateur n'a pas permis d'empêcher le décès en 1994 de sa propre épouse... atteinte d'un cancer ! L'Instinctothérapie représente un danger pour ses curistes atteints d'une maladie grave, car elle incite à interrompre tout traitement médical en échange des promesses miraculeuses.

Pages d'informations et de mise en garde Disponible sur d'autres sites : Dossier du magazine L'Express. Lu dans la presse Année, 2006.

America's Army

Que fait la Scientologie à Port-au-Prince? - pierre-alain sur Le. 3402.jpg (Image JPEG, 500x290 pixels) Médium, Guérisseur, Magnétiseur, Exorciste International. Stephen : du cannabis à Jésus.