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J’ai mal à ma Net neutrality. La neutralité du Net semble attaquée de toute part en ce moment par les FAI: en France avec Orange, aux États-Unis avec Comcast...

J’ai mal à ma Net neutrality

Il est pourtant primordial de défendre cette notion. La neutralité du Net semble attaquée de toute part en ce moment par les FAI: en France avec Orange, aux États-Unis avec Comcast… Il est pourtant primordial de défendre cette notion. Aujourd’hui, ce n’est pas une news qui me fait réagir mais deux. La première est issue de l’excellent billet de Fabrice dont je vous recommande vivement la lecture et qui épingle Orange comme il se doit … mais Fabrice est à mon sens encore trop gentil et nous allons voir pourquoi. La seconde est une décision de justice américaine qui piquote derrière les yeux.

Dernier épisode en date, Stéphane Richard, directeur Général d’Orange, pour qui la Net Neutrality revêt une définition pour le moins assez singulière. Heureusement que nous avons Orange pour nous faire un petit recadrage sémantique ! J’ai mal à ma Net neutrality. Is Your Netflix Slow? This May Be Why. Verizon and Comcast customers aren't hallucinating -- Netflix really has gotten slower for them.

Is Your Netflix Slow? This May Be Why

The streaming video service on Monday released its monthly ranking of Internet service providers from fastest to slowest in terms of average performance of Netflix streams. Comcast again ranked among the slowest on the list, while Verizon FIOS dropped one spot, to seventh of 17, according to a Netflix analysis of data culled from its millions of subscribers. The news hardly comes as a surprise to many customers of Comcast and Verizon, who've gone to message boards and blogs to voice their complaints about Netflix speed in recent months. Some question whether slower Netflix performance is related to last month's federal court ruling that struck down the government's ban on Internet traffic throttling. One person, a satisfied Verizon customer for a few years, wrote in January that Netflix had become "pretty much unusable" over the previous month. To be sure, Netflix hogs bandwidth.

Stat — Internet Measurements and Analysis. Tier 1 network. A tier 1 network is an Internet Protocol (IP) network that participates in the Internet solely via settlement-free interconnection, also known as settlement-free peering.

Tier 1 network

Definition[edit] Relationship between the various tiers on Internet providers Although there is no authority that defines tiers of networks participating in the Internet, the most common definition of a tier 1 network is one that can reach every other network on the Internet without purchasing IP transit or paying settlements.[1] By this definition, a tier 1 network is a transit-free network that peers with every other tier-1 network. But not all transit-free networks are tier 1 networks. The most widely quoted source for identifying tier 1 networks is Renesys Corporation, but the base information to prove the claim is publicly accessible from many locations, such as the RIPE RIS database, the Oregon Route Views servers, the Packet Clearing House, and others.

IX-F Internet eXchange Federation - Home. Who are the Tier 1 ISPs? Definition: A Tier 1 ISP is an ISP that has access to the entire Internet Region solely via its free and reciprocal peering agreements.

Who are the Tier 1 ISPs?

Definition: An ISP is entity that provides (usually sells) access to the global Internet. Definition: An Internet Region is a portion of the Internet network typically bounded by a country's geographical boundaries. Each Internet Region has its own set of "Tier 1 ISPs. " A Tier 1 ISP by definition doesn't pay transit fees to anyone to reach any destination in the Internet Region.While we can see adjacencie in the Internet routing tables, it is difficult to determine if money is changing hands.Having said that, it is clear that most people in the Internet engineering communities know who the Tier 1 ISPs are for their Internet Region. The litmus test is, "Does this ISP pay anyone (or barter) to reach any destination in the Internet Region?

" Here is a partial list of Tier 1 ISPs across the world based on my conversations with Internet engineers. The U.S. R. Maunier (NeoTelecoms) : "Aujourd'hui, dans les réseaux, la valeur c'est l'abonné" Nous l’avons vu ces dernières semaines avec la proposition de Google et Verizon mais également avec la montée en puissance du débat en France, la neutralité du Net est un sujet lourd et complexe à comprendre, car derrière un terme en apparence simple se cachent des enjeux stratégiques, économiques et techniques.

R. Maunier (NeoTelecoms) : "Aujourd'hui, dans les réseaux, la valeur c'est l'abonné"

Pour mieux comprendre les enjeux qui gravitent autour du concept de neutralité des réseaux, a souhaité interroger un spécialiste français participant à de nombreuses discussions techniques dans l’Hexagone et à l’étranger. C’est Raphaël Maunier, directeur technique de NeoTelecoms et co-fondateur du point d’échange FranceIX que nous avions déjà interrogé il y a quelques mois, qui a accepté de porter son regard personnel sur le sujet. Telecom Resources. Register Register for our free TeleGeography Insider site to access in-depth data and analysis, including webinars, presentation slides, analyst articles, and infographics.

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