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In the world where everything flows and nothing stays still, the biggest thing is to discover oneself...and that is Happy Realization Contact us:

20 happy realizations to experience during this painful lockdown - Happy Realization. A lockdown for bodies, but minds still wandering… And this distance between mind and body — it’s turning the inevitable pain into self-made suffering.

20 happy realizations to experience during this painful lockdown - Happy Realization

But that’s the downside!! Let’s talk about the upside… the positives through this period. Let’s try to experience these happy realizations: 1. Death getting us closer to life People are dying like flies everywhere of the exact reason. 2. It’s not only about this lockdown when poor are dying of hunger everywhere. 3. We are denied worldly experiences ongoing lockdown. 4. How to get over self judgments stopping to accept the real you? - Happy Realization. Do you often engage with self-sabotaging thoughts?

How to get over self judgments stopping to accept the real you? - Happy Realization

Do you feel a pang of unusual guilt during most of your life proceedings? Is feeling of unworthiness killing you from inside? 4 Mindshifts During This Lockdown to Keep You in Sanity. The extended quarantine period… is it taking a toll on your mental health?

4 Mindshifts During This Lockdown to Keep You in Sanity

Let me ask You During This Lockdown: Are you yearning to step out of lockdown to fulfill your desires? Is the pain of world outside transiting into your suffering? Do you struggle to utilize the Me time you never got before? Do you foresee uncertainties, leading to dilemmas, on the other side of pandemics? Best Self-Improvement Books in 2020? - Happyrealization. Have you been hunting for ways to transform into a happier self?

Best Self-Improvement Books in 2020? - Happyrealization

It is time to call shots and make some big changes in life. Well, little did you know but creating a happy bubble around you is easy-peasy. The secret lies in unleashing the potential in you so that you become your best version. Feeling Negative. I lost because I competed... with others - Happy Realization. Life is not a race and hence not a competition you can define by winning or losing.

I lost because I competed... with others - Happy Realization

It’s an exploration journey, it’s your exploration journey where you are the lone traveller. And because you are alone in your journey, there is no one with whom you can compete and compare with, except one person… yourself. Someone has rightly said: “If you continuously compete with others, you become bitter, Tips to Be Successful in Life - Success is not a milestone but a journey. Success is not a milestone but a journey.

Tips to Be Successful in Life - Success is not a milestone but a journey.

First of all, you have to set a goal according to your passion. Rest assured, when one enjoys work, then the probability of success increases dramatically. So, it is essential for you to explore your inside and find out your areas of core competence. Subsequently, pursue your passion by setting a goal and plan a course of action. There are two bulls inside us fighting. Who's winning? My dear friend, starting from head-tail, good-evil, right-wrong, everything is double-faced.

There are two bulls inside us fighting. Who's winning?

Even a story or a debate has two angles. And you know what, we, the humans are no different. The fact which we all need to get acquainted with is that we have two bulls inside us fighting with each other. Let’s find out who wins? Naturally, our physical body needs food. But one thing to observe is the food we eat, the diet we follow is our choice… healthy or unhealthy? While healthy food makes us feel fresh and energy-boosted, the unhealthy food lowers our energy and freshness level. No brainer, you know these things, but there is a reason I am saying this… My dear friend, much like our physical body, which runs on what we eat, our mental body runs on what we feed. I’ll come straight to the point, there are two bulls inside our mind. How did I overcome my fear of traveling? “Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.” ~ Paulo Coelho You can call me a weirdo, but I disliked traveling until I came across a feeling never experienced before.

How did I overcome my fear of traveling?

That feeling screamed out loud: ‘Travel… not to die an illusionary death. Because if you don’t, you are already dead.’ Yes, it’s one of the experiences that helped me heal, to deal with my fear of traveling. REALIZATIONS OF THE GREAT "MOTHER TERESA" - Happy Realization. HOW TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL? No two individuals are the same.


Every person is different in character, traits, thinking, background and many more aspects. Therefore, there is no particular mantra for success. Every person has to define their path to success. However, there are some pieces of advice provided by great personalities that can help you in realizing your dreams. 5 positive lessons only feeling negative can teach you. Heads-up: This article does not offer solutions to deal with negativity, but it’ll change the way you sense negativity.

5 positive lessons only feeling negative can teach you

In the fight between positivity vs negativity; no brainer, we wish positivity emerges as a winner… always! Ever wondered why? A general impression of negativity is bad in our mind. Moreover, the frequency strike of negative thoughts and feelings is way beyond. Because grass on other side looks greener; we end up craving positivity without realizing what feeling negative can offer. My Mind is Fighting a Lost Battle Against Time. My mind runs here, there, everywhere trying to win the race against time. It retreats to the past, leaps into the future, only to lose in the present. How did I overcome my fear of traveling? - Happy Realization. An Emotional Connect to Chaotic Lives: Cricket is life…Life is Cricket. 7 reasons of indecisiveness and the ways to overcome it... - Happy Realization. Simply, Indecisiveness is the inability to take a decision. An indecisive person is confused whether they should take a left, a right or to stick with the current position.

The positive side of it is that we have the liberty and option to chose. In fact, there is no problem in taking some time to choose the right option. However, things get complicated when we spend too much time evaluating the pros and cons associated with making the right decision. Let us try to comprehend the 7 reasons for indecisiveness and the ways to counter it: 1. DEFINE MORALS AND WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? - Happy Realization. Morals are the basic understandings, values, and beliefs of a particular person or a group or a culture that defines how we should live our life. Sometimes, these are written or expressed in books; sometimes these are words of great people whom we believe. Morals are universal teachings that we try to practice every day. Morals are ideal in themselves.

They help us in choosing a response to a particular situation. Ideally, they teach the concept of right and wrong. Now, when a person believes in these teachings or values and acts accordingly in his day to day life, then these beliefs become a trait of that person. Building a morale is a continuous process, which takes time. Cricket is life...Life is Cricket -Life is Like Cricket - Happyrealization. Cricket is life…Life is cricket : If you are living in a country called India, I am sure you could relate to any of the two emotional phrases in the title. It is just that you define one of the phrases. This is where the article becomes a must-read for you. Forget Fear, Do Something Different.” ― Mahendra Singh Dhoni it? 7 Ways to Beat Anxiety – Happy Realization.

How Anxiety has Crept into the Lives of Common Folk? In this fast-paced world, where everyone and everything seems to be in a rush people suffering from emotional trauma are a usual sight. People, in a haste to grab every opportunity, all the happiness they aspire, makes them bear tremendous amounts of pressure and stress, which leads to a common disease- Anxiety. Relationships of the present era are also the main culprits of anxiety issues in people. How Does Traveling Help in Self-Exploration? Travelling- the ultimate tool for removing all the boredom of life and recharging the battery of enthusiasm and positivity.

People worldwide desire to travel to places, sometimes alone so that they can find a sense of calmness, as an escape route to all their worries and tensions. Traveling alone or with someone helps to unravel the mysteries that a person may have been buried deep down inside him/her. As we travel we explore places along with exploring various qualities of ourselves. Traveling helps in appreciating life and the value of life forms even more. Why feeling negative emotions is the biggest blessing? Cricket is life…Life is cricket. If you are living in a country called India, I am sure you could relate to any of the two emotional phrases in the title. Life Coaching. Posted by happyrealization on July 29th, 2019. Why would a person pay for a life coach?