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Happy At Home - In Home Care Inc.

All throughout the years, Happy At Home – In Home Care Inc. constantly provides the best Non-Medical Home Care in Venetia, Pennsylvania. From personal care to homemaking services, you can depend on the thoroughness of our services.

Why Music Is Beneficial for Seniors’ Health. Your physical health and security can be maintained through availing home care services in Pennsylvania, but how about your mental health?

Why Music Is Beneficial for Seniors’ Health

If you want to exercise your brain, listen to music! According to John Hopkins, listening to music can be considered as a medicine for the mind. It can provide a total brain workout, stimulating your cognitive function. Simple Activities to Help You Keep Mentally Active. An aging brain is not avoidable, but keeping it healthy and strong is the best thing you can do.

Simple Activities to Help You Keep Mentally Active

Start these healthy mind activities with the help of our in-home care in McMurray, Pennsylvania: Getting to Know Appendicitis: What It Is and How It Happens. Appendicitis happens when the appendix becomes inflamed due to infection.

Getting to Know Appendicitis: What It Is and How It Happens

An appendix that is blocked by either poop or a foreign body can cause bacteria to grow inside the organ and infect it. This will then lead to inflammation, which will cause pain. Appendicitis can lead to severe results if not treated immediately. As a provider of in-home care in McMurray, Pennsylvania, we would like to share the following symptoms so that you will be aware when you are experiencing appendicitis: Pain in the lower right side of the abdomen.

Safety Hazards Around Your Home to Look Out For. How You Should Prepare for the Winter Season. With the winter season in full swing, drops in temperature can become a dangerous thing.

How You Should Prepare for the Winter Season

This is especially true of seniors who are staying alone in their homes. If you have a loved one who lives on their own, its best to make sure that their homes are free of hazards and can handle the tough weather ahead. Happy At Home – In Home Care Inc., a provider of non-medical home care in Venetia, Pennsylvania, offers this guide to help you and your loved ones stay safe during this winter season.

Dress for the weather The cold temperature can lead to health conditions such as hypothermia and frostbite. To avoid this, make sure that your senior loved ones dress in layers while they are inside. Be sure to stay safe during this winter season by following our tips! Perks of Companionship: Expressing Emotions. Do not fall into the void, and succumb to grief and pain.

Perks of Companionship: Expressing Emotions

As John Donne said, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.” Do not keep your feelings to yourself—say it, write it, draw it, do everything to express it. For seniors, having someone to talk to is especially important. This is because, as your loved ones start to age, they also begin to become more sensitive. They begin to need more physical and emotional support. When to Take Advantage of Home Care Services. As your loved ones start to age, they begin to experience disabilities which affect their mobility, speech, and their activities of daily living.

When to Take Advantage of Home Care Services

At some point, you might find it difficult to determine whether you should enlist your senior loved ones for our home care services or not. We know that there are some instances when you can’t just do it by yourself. Tips in Dressing and Grooming the Elderly. Dressing a senior loved one is one of the most challenging tasks.

Tips in Dressing and Grooming the Elderly

To help this process run more smoothly, here are ways that you can do which professional caregivers providing in-home care in McMurray, Pennsylvania would suggest: Choose Comfortable Clothes Pick clothes that will not pinch your loved ones’ skin that may cause sore. They may find it easier to put on clothes with elastic or Velcro closures instead of buttons, ties, or buckles.Encourage Sitting While Getting Dressed Trying to maintain balance while getting dressed can be challenging for older adults. Let them sit on the bed or a chair while you guide each piece of clothing onto their body. Though this might seem like a little bit of extra work for you, it can speed up the entire process.Be Sensitive Dressing and grooming a loved one is a personal task, so it is important to take their wishes into account.

How to Reduce Stress in Seniors. Stress is considered normal during the retirement years.

How to Reduce Stress in Seniors

Though it can be hard to determine the cause of tension and worry, stress can certainly be detrimental to your health. To prevent stress, try applying simple ways to reducing and managing it. Providers of home care services in Pennsylvania recommend the following tips in reducing the risk of stress in seniors: Take a walk Stroll through your neighborhood or casually travel to a nearby park. According to a study, light exercise decreases levels of stress hormones. Caregiver Traits You Should be Looking For. For many seniors, it can be a challenge to live alone without any form of assistance.

Caregiver Traits You Should be Looking For

But an even greater challenge comes up when they are looking for caregivers to take care of them. Many different factors go into finding the right caregiver for you. Why Companionship Matters for Seniors. As we grow older, the importance of companionship becomes more and more apparent.

Why Companionship Matters for Seniors

Happy At Home – In Home Care Inc. understands just how much of an impact a companion can make in the lives of an individual. As your primary provider of in-home care in McMurray, Pennsylvania, we offer our clients a companion that can take care of our patients and be there for them when it matters the most. Be it going to the movies or hiking in the woods or mountain. Our caregivers will accompany you and your loved ones throughout your day, making sure that you are safe and comfortable. The Benefits of Respite Care for Caregivers. Caregivers at Happy At Home – In Home Care Inc. are relentless when it comes to providing services and support to clients. However, some studies reveal that primary caregivers are at a higher risk of stress-related health conditions such as depression.

Caregivers face different challenges in their day-to-day jobs. Hence, they deserve a respite from all their hard work, too. How will it benefit them? Reasons Why Caring for the Elderly is a Rewarding Profession. Caregiving is a profession that can be challenging but fulfilling at the same time. You can provide personal caregiving services to your loved ones, but professional caregivers administer assistance at an in-home care in McMurray, Pennsylvania. Professional caregiving is not an easy job and here are the reasons why it greatly rewards a caregiver’s heart: It establishes a genuine connection Perhaps, the most rewarding thing about caregiving is the fact that you can help others daily. Through the support that you are providing, you create a direct impact and connection to the life of your clients.

Promoting Independence in Seniors. Whether you are a family caregiver, a professional nurse, or any other person with a vital role in interacting with the elderly, it is always important to encourage independence among seniors. Having the opportunity to live independently with dignity should also be available for our elderly loved ones. Chair Yoga: A Healthy Choice for Seniors. Chair yoga is a form of yoga therapy. It dates back to the year 1982 when Lakshmi Voelker-Binder developed it. He practiced some yoga poses using a chair. Chair yoga has been used as a substitute for traditional yoga, which can be performed by people affected by the challenges that come with aging or disability. People undergoing the effects of age-related and mobility-limiting conditions usually find it difficult or cumbersome to do some necessary physical activities. If they had the choice, they usually go with doing some non-impactful neck or hand exercises.

Chair yoga can even be done at home. For older adults, chair yoga is an excellent and safe way to loosen up and stretch painful muscles, reduce stress, and improve circulation. 3 Key Elements of Caregiving. In a particular period of our lifetime, we might need care from our loved ones or from caregiving agencies, such as the providers of non-medical home care in Venetia, Pennsylvania. The Causes of Stress and Burnout in Caregiving. Symptoms of Melanoma. Being one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of skin cancer in the US, melanoma can affect people of all ages, especially older adults.

Skin Care: Seniors and Melanoma. Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in the US. Keeping Active: Why Should Seniors Exercise? Healthy Eating for Older Adults. As individuals advance in age, their dietary needs change. It is important that you keep up with your changing dietary requirements so as to live full, active lives. Caring for Elderly Loved Ones Undergoing Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can be challenging for anyone, but it is especially tough on seniors since their bodies do not recover as fast. Companionship Matters to Your Health, Too. The effects of illness, old age, or disability should not prevent you from retaining your independence in an environment that is most comfortable for you.

In line with our mission to provide quality in-home care in McMurray, Pennsylvania, we also offer companionship services to prevent clients who live alone in their own homes, from feeling lonely and isolated. While it can be fine for some people to naturally prefer being alone, too much loneliness and isolation can negatively impact both the physical and mental health of a person. Yes, being alone does have its own psychological advantages. However, too much time alone can result in painful loneliness, especially for ailing, aging, or disabled individuals who may be grieving the loss of a loved one or of fond memories. Aside from that, science has backed findings that a lonely brain increases one’s risk of depression, as well as the likelihood of mortality. Happy At Home - In Home Care Inc. We help you manage your household when you have difficulties doing so alone.

Happy At Home - In Home Care Inc. Happy At Home - In Home Care Inc. Happy At Home - In Home Care Inc. 4 General Pointers When Looking After The Elderly. 5 Reasons Why Aging at Home is Ideal for Your Grandparents. Happy At Home - In Home Care Inc. Stepping Up the Quality of Care with Home Companions. 5 Helpful Tips to Control Your Diabetes. 8 Self-Care Tips Against Caregiver Burnout.