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Master_dm_sheet.pdf. Sly Flourish's The Lazy Dungeon Master. Sly Flourish You love Dungeons and Dragons. As an experienced dungeon master you've run dozens, if not hundreds of games. You put a lot of work into making your games great. What if there's another way to look at how you prepare your game? What if it turned out you could spend less time, less energy, and have a better game as a result? It's time to unleash the Lazy Dungeon Master. Written in the style of Sly Flourish's Dungeon Master Tips and Running Epic Tier D&D Games, The Lazy Dungeon Master shows a new approach to game preparation, one that takes less time and gives your game the freedom to grow at the table. Based on the real-world experiences of hundreds of dungeon masters and dozens of professional game designers, the Lazy Dungeon Master includes interviews with veteran D&D DMs and a complete toolkit to help you improvise an entire game.

Want more details? The Lazy Dungeon Master is available in three formats: Ebook Package ($5.99) The Ebook Package is the best value for the money. The Hypertext d20 SRD (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document) :: Tool (D&D Compendium) [Resource Guide] Community Created Subreddits : DnD. 101 Ongoing Plot Hooks for DnD and Pathfinder.