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Figment. CreateSpace. TV Tropes: story generator. Archetype. Tragedy is one of the Nine Muses Melpomene by Gustave Moreau What's a Muse?


In Greek mythology, the muses were goddesses of artistic inspiration. Many writers speak of spending time with their muses while they're writing in a state of " flow ," or say that the muse has refused to visit when they have writer's block. Choose Your Muse We have several muses fluttering around to help you. Google contacts. Goodreads groups. Dramatic situations. The Thirty-six (plus one) Dramatic Situations Georges Polti says that all stories boil down to just 36 dramatic situations and takeoffs of those situations.

Dramatic situations

Somebody else out there added #37. If you're stuck for a situation, try this. A situation appears below randomly (in bold print). If you'd like more information, or want to see the subplots for the situation, click on its link below. Feelings table. Character Feelings You can describe your character's feelings in more exact terms than just "happy" or "sad.

Feelings table

" Check these lists for the exact nuance to describe your character's intensity of feelings.