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Design Lessons From India's Poorest Neighborhoods. "Jugaad" is a Hindi term referring to the ingenuity of citizens living in resource-constrained environments, a concept from which New Yorkers might derive some enlightenment.

Design Lessons From India's Poorest Neighborhoods

Enter Jugaad Urbanism: Resourceful Strategies for Indian Cities, an exhibition created with the help of curator Kanu Agrawal that opens at New York's Center for Architecture next week. The exhibition is "design by the people, for the people, of Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Pune," says Agrawal, and showcases everyday innovations of slum-dwelling residents and the designers and architects who work around them. Agrawal, a Delhi native, studied at New Delhi's School of Planning and Architecture and worked with the acclaimed Achyut P.


Paintings. Street Art.