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Willkommen im Reich der Abwassertechnik. Fungi Perfecti: the finest mushroom products for home and garden, farm and forest, people and planet. Waste? Not. IN A WORLD of rapidly diminishing resources, there's one we tend to overlook. It's easy to produce and extremely abundant. But instead of viewing it as an embarrassment of riches, we're more likely to see it as just an embarrassment. This neglected treasure is human waste. Urine is rich in nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, the three main ingredients in artificial fertilizer. Feces contains these nutrients, too, in smaller doses, and the methane it produces can be harnessed as biogas, a green energy source.

Yet in most cultures, understandably, the first impulse is not to use waste wisely, but to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Both methods - and several others between the extremes - pose problems that grow more conspicuous every day. But now a growing global movement aims to make sanitation more sustainable by changing how both rich and poor countries think about human waste - recasting it as a valuable resource that is most costly when thrown away. Page 4 of 5 -- Sewage Waste Management latest updates | Cleantick - Catalyzing Cleantech Online.

2011 Invention Awards: From Waste To Water A machine that uses exhaust heat to treat onboard sewage After a weeklong cruise, a typical 3,000-passenger cruise ship may hold nearly 200,000 gallons of wastewater in toilets - a problem, inventor Namon Nassef says, that the ZLD could easily eliminate. When Namon Nassef had to buy a new engine for his boat, he saw an opportunity. He could finally install the invention he had been working on, a machine he calls the Zero Liquid moreDischarge Sewage Elimination System (ZLD). The device uses engine heat to oxidize and evaporate toilet, shower and galley waste. A typical combustion engine makes use of only 30 to 35 percent of the energy contained in fuel; the rest escapes as heat through the radiator or the exhaust. The microwave-oven-size ZLD puts that exhaust heat to work. The exhaust of an idling engine is at least 550 degrees F, which is hot enough to flash evaporate the waste and thermally oxidize the organic materials.
