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Hannah Page

I'm not as witty as you. I'm temperamental, intellectual, arrogant when it comes to numbers and science (so says my mother), and mean. If I can't say it to your face, I won't say it to anyone else. But I say whatever I want to say. So, it doesn't help. //Loved by me ! (Alec) =D <3 <3

Do It Yourself!

Music. Educationals. Funny Things. Tattoo Plans. The 8 Most Ridiculously Badass Protesters Ever Photographed. Protesters are, by their very nature, badass.

The 8 Most Ridiculously Badass Protesters Ever Photographed

Whether or not you agree with whatever it is they're standing for, you have to agree that it takes balls to go up against an entire system of government -- one comprised of thousands of highly trained, expertly equipped police and soldiers -- using whatever you find in the street on the walk down to the battlefield. There are two current protests that might be changing the world for the better: One in Wisconsin, trying to preserve what very few bargaining rights public workers still have, and another in Libya, that has since turned into a full scale revolution. It's the least we can do to support them, by spreading the word and increasing awareness.