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Moving Reflective Eyeball Sculpture. Do you ever feel like someone's watching you? This incredible stainless steel eyeball sculpture by Moscow-based architecture firm SPeeCH Tchoban & Kuznetsov is capable of "looking" at all of its the visitors in its environment at the Cortile d’Onore of the Ca’ Granda's courtyard. The high-tech sculpture, called Architect's Eye, is a smooth and reflective spherical structure emulating the human eyeball as its focus shifts from the sky to the ground to the rest of its surrounding area, with the pupils effectively dilating and contracting.

The iris of the eye also has the mesmerizing ability to change color. This visually inspired piece by Sergey Tchoban and Sergey Kuznetsov's architecture studio represents "legacy" as part of this year's Interni Legacy event at Milan Design Week by incorporating abandoned Russian monuments within the sculptural installation. SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov website via [Interni Magazine, CollabCubed] Complex Philosophical Theories Explained in Basic Shapes. Psychadelic, symbolic objects by sarah applebaum. Apr 22, 2012 psychedelic, symbolic objects by sarah applebaum a studio view of picket signs by sarah applebaum, 2011-2012 wood and paint all images courtesy the artist san francisco, california, USA-based artist sarah moli newton applebaum has sent to designboom her new-psych pieces. applebaum’s range of creation spans from picket signs of every day objects to giant knit chains or felt guns. her work attempt to reconcile the psychological and psychedelic as her aesthetic is formed from an exploration into the worlds of art and design in combination with the psychology symbolism. the artist’s work is an investigation into the dual nature of the conscious and unconscious mind as her pieces possess the underpinnings of gestalt therapy and psychoanalysis of which she told us she has a deep interest. picket signs ‘wall of guns’, 2011 ‘giant felt gun’ die cut layered felt 2 ft x 1 1/2 ft x 4 in a detailed view picturing the felt barrel and cylinder of the massive plush gun rainbow ‘head’, 2011.

World Time Clock. Wood Casting by Hilla Shamia. Serpens Collection by Qiu Hao. Chinese fashion designer Qiu Hao teamed up with French photographer Matthieu Belin to shoot his F/W 2011 Serpens Collection. The collection was named after the Serpens constellation (a reptile) and was meant to pay tribute to it. By working with Belin, the line in turn becomes a whole new work of art. The images are just as striking and edgy as the clothing, making this joint venture a strong one. David Stephenson’s Cityscapes and Medieval Vaults. Nave, Sainte-Chappelle, Paris, France, 2006. Photo (c) David Stephenson. Judging by his website, photographer David Stephenson is interested in two subjects: contemporary cities, and the historical evidence of human ingenuity. The American artist’s portfolio is awash in glowing mega-blocks and wide-angle cityscapes presented alongside Vaults, a technically dazzling collection of pre-Modern religious architecture.

Vaults looks at the ceilings of cathedrals all over Europe, shot directly from below to "flatten" the depth of the spaces. Together with Light Cities, the work offers an interesting definition of the sublime. Stephenson, in his own words, says he's drawn to "what is both good and bad in our industrialized culture: an extraordinary example of a monumental technological sublime, where awe, beauty, and human aspiration are tinged with the horror of potential environmental catastrophe, our engine of modernity seemingly running on empty. " Photo (c) David Stephenson.

Resurrect Your NES with This Functioning Controller Coffee Table. Nintendo Controller Coffee Table So the "new aesthetic" may not be about 8-bit graphics or the wireframes and voxels that constructed the compressed worlds of 80s video games. The present retro attitude and affinity for 30-year old computer graphics are just part of an initial phase from which NA will pass onto other more complex and descriptive iterations. In the meantime, we'll have to put up with a further onslaught of trivial pixelations and pop-gradients, not too mention retroactive hacks for long obsolete gaming system.

Case in point, the NES controller coffee table. Rather than simply hunt down a controller to replace a broken or lost one, furniture maker Charles Lushear decided to build his own that would suit all his gaming/lounging needs. He scaled up the classic NES controller to the size of a table and installed an operable D-pad plus start + select/ A + B buttons. Add To Collection Save this image to a collection. A Bookshelf That Will Not Be Restrained. The promise of modularity and infinite flexibility embodied by the more ideological projects from the 1960s has not only been long fulfilled, but thoroughly exploited by late capitalist culture. That may or may not be a good thing (probably not), but it's a fact of contemporary existence that extends to every aspect of our lives.

Except, it seems, to our staid, stubbornly Cartesian bookshelves. Enter this modular shelving system, a set of interconnected and expandable crates which grows with your book and publication collection. The units, made of bamboo and connected with circular pegs, can be pulled and manipulated to form several configurations, can be angled or laid flat, and can be combined with other sets. Add To Collection Save this image to a collection [via CoolMaterial] Taking a Reading Vacation in a Book Igloo. The Faces of Racism Revealed : Designattack. The Faces of Racism Revealed Posted by JR on wtorek, Kwiecień 10, 2012 · Leave a Comment Tematyka wystawy dotyczy rasizmu i jego instytucjonalnej twarzy.

Celem ekspozycji jest pobudzenie świadomości na temat takich treści przekazywanych przez instytucje państwowe, w których nietolerancja wobec odmienności rasowej nie jest wyrażana w sposób oczywisty, lecz funkcjonuje w ukryciu. Twórcy z różnych kręgów kulturowych adresują swoje prace do szerokiego odbiorcy. Poprzez plakat, będący jednocześnie jednym z mediów masowej komunikacji, poruszają problematykę związaną z rasizmem, propagując tolerancję oraz wzajemne zrozumienie. Przegląd około 250 prac studentów i profesjonalnych projektantów jest próbą ukazania obrazu rasizmu i sposobów jego manifestacji w dyskursie ogólnospołecznym. Incredible Black and White Underwater Photography. My Modern Metropolis Incredible Black and White Underwater Photography Photographer Kanoa Zimmerman is a world traveler who takes us with him on his exotic adventures.

In his latest series titled Free Dive, we get a glimpse of the stunning and vast underwater universe that surrounds a distant set of islands in Northeast Fiji. Unlike other photographers who submerge into the depths of the world's deepest oceans to capture a splurge of color, Zimmerman chooses to keep the color scheme simple by muting out the multihues of underwater life without subduing its beauty. The monochromatic shots of deep sea divers, spear-fishers, and their prey are breathtaking documentations of the elegant underseas.

Selected prints of Free Dive are currently on sale through Mollusk Surf Shop. Kanoa Zimmerman website via [Booooooom] You might like: Adorable Photos of Animals and Their Mini-Me's Impressive Multi-Deck Raft Features a Fully-Functional Sauna Photographer Documents Her Own Pregnancy in Striking Selfies. Creative Book Ends to Brighten Your Day. Dom arquitectura project: urban nests. 'urban nests' by dom arquitectura project, 2012 all images courtesy the designers dom arquitectura , a creative studio based in barcelona, spain and comprised of designers mikel elorduy, blanca elorduy and pablo serrano, have developed an environmental and architectural installation entitled 'urban nests - come back sparrows! '. dom arquitectura created a collection of twenty handmade wooden bird houses; each component decorated with brightly-colored ecological paints and attached to a tan, stucco wall in barrio de gracia, barcelona, spain. the trio believe the composition of the piece, in both its grid-like orientation on the side of this building's recently refinished wall, and in the work having been developed in three natural shades of green, yellow and brown, brings to the public space a revival of the habitat's formerly thriving avian life. ' {*style:<i>one day someone made a wall, it was cold, sad and dead, over time, the sparrows made ​​it his home. wall turned to gray, cold and sad!

Vibrant Rainbows of Melted Crayons. My Modern Metropolis Vibrant Rainbows of Melted Crayons When I was a kid, opening a brand new box of crayons was always an exciting moment for me. I loved the rainbow of colors and the perfectly pointy tips lined up all in a row (OK, I still love it!). It seems that Michigan-born artist Jessica Kerbawy has the same affinity for a fresh pack of crayons.

Her stunning Crayon Art involves melted rainbows of these colorful waxy sticks. According to her website, the artist uses, “crayons and heat to produce vibrant and hypnotizing artwork.” Carefully selected palettes and different melting techniques result in variations of the drips and swirls of mixed wax. Jessica Kerbawy’s websiteJessica Kerbawy on Etsy You might like: "Walking Disney" Characters Survive in an Apocalyptic World 6 Most Stunning Actress Transformations Amazing Hyperrealistic Paintings Show Layers of Details Ghostly Feminine Forms in Haunting Long-Exposures Recommended by Views: 4940 Tags: Crayon Art, Jessica Kerbawy, art Add a Comment.