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Mind-Boggling Shadow Art from Trash Sculptures. British artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster are a creative team known for their experimental art including these mind-boggling light and shadow sculptures.

Mind-Boggling Shadow Art from Trash Sculptures

The duo forms abstract works from, which upon first glance, look like nothing other than straightforward piles of trash. The excitement for the viewer comes when a single light illuminates the pile and creates an entirely new piece of art—usually portraits of themselves—formed with the combination of light and shadow projected onto the wall. Throughout their careers, the artists have, “played with the idea of how humans perceive abstract images and define them with meaning.

The result is surprising and powerful as it redefines how abstract forms can transform into figurative ones.” In addition to these shadow sculptures, the team also creates neon light pieces that reference pop culture and flash messages of “everlasting love and hate.” Tim Noble and Sue Webster’s website via [Wicked Game] Geometric Faces Fused Together. France-based artists David Mesguich and Valentin Van der Meulen combined their creative efforts to construct this large triple-headed sculpture known as FOLDS.

Geometric Faces Fused Together

The structure, made of polypropylene, presents an interesting image of a series of three-dimensional, geometric, bodiless heads. Digital Man Living in a Curious World. Two People Transform Into Nine Strikingly Unique Couples. Photographer Nacho Rojo and his girlfriend are the subjects of his series Couples, where the two present themselves as strikingly different characters within various social groups.

Two People Transform Into Nine Strikingly Unique Couples

The results of their creativity and extreme styling really entice the viewer to think about the concepts of identity and social behavior. General style, gestures, posture, facial expressions, hair, body piercings, and tattoos visually lead the viewer to create a certain narrative about each couple. Breathtaking Long-Exposures of the Alps at Night.

I Want to Ride My Bicycle: 12 Awesome Bikes We Like. I want to ride my bike, I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.

I Want to Ride My Bicycle: 12 Awesome Bikes We Like

[Lyrics from "Bicycle Race" by Queen] We’ve written about a lot of cool bikes here on Design Milk and it got us thinking that we should roundup some of those favorites along with a few other bikes we’d like to own. Here are 12 of our favorites: The SCHRAMM was designed by Solé Bicycle Co., which began in Los Angeles with two best friends in college looking for an affordable bike. Their bicycles are lightweight, stylish, and the company is based in Venice Beach, California. Deconstructed Imeüble by Bjørn Jørund Blikstad. In January 2010 Bjørn Jørund Blikstad’s prototype for a modular storage system graced the cover of Wallpaper* magazine and then the pages of Design Milk.

Deconstructed Imeüble by Bjørn Jørund Blikstad

Two agonizing years later at February 2012′s Stockholm Furniture Fair, he finally launched Imeüble. I spoke to him about the long road from the inspiration to production. 5,000 Books Pour Out of a Building in Spain. Artist Alicia Martin's tornado of books shoot out a window like a burst of water from a giant hose.

5,000 Books Pour Out of a Building in Spain

The Spain-based artist's sculptural installation at Casa de America, Madrid depicts a cavalcade of books streaming out of the side of a building. The whirlwind of literature defies gravity and draws attention with its grandeur size. There have been three site-specific installations, thus far, of the massive sculptural works in this series known as Biografias, translated as Biographies, that each feature approximately 5,000 books sprawled out around and atop one another. Martin's giant book structures give life to the inanimate objects filled with knowledge. Night Biking Gloves. These winter night biking gloves are a perfect solution for bikers since they keep hands warm and provide an easy way to signal in the dark.

Night Biking Gloves

2,000 Tennis Balls Frozen in Mid-Air. Elaborate Life-like Pencil Sculptures. These pencil sculptures are so incredible and life-like!

Elaborate Life-like Pencil Sculptures

I half expect the sea urchin-inspired forms to stretch out and crawl away. Jennifer Maestre takes your average pencil and creates such a strong personal conflict—to touch or not to touch! The viewer is drawn in by the intricate detail and surprising choice of material, but at the same time, there is a desire to retreat from the sharp points. Maestre said, “There is true fragility to the sometimes brutal aspect of the sculptures, vulnerability that is belied by the fearsome texture.” To form these incredible pieces, Maestre actually cuts sharpened pencils into 1-inch sections, drills holes in them, and threads them together like beads into the organized forms. Stunning and Creative Graffiti Artworks.

Graffiti represents an art form that is unrestricted, one that rebels against conventional forms of artwork. Graffiti is intertwined into human history, dating back to the Roman Empires where they were plastered onto walls to make political statements and satirize current events. Modern graffiti achieves many of the same things – to state a message that doesn’t necessarily fit into the norms of society. In this collection, for your inspiration and adoration, we present 40 remarkable graffiti and street artwork . Remarkable and Creative Graffiti Art ? Unknown. Milk Bottle by Charlotte Hughes Martin. A mystery artist has been removing empty milk bottles from doorsteps and then returning them having etched elaborate pictures on them. Rena Littleson Drawings. Storytelling Illustrations by Tomer Hanuka.