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SUPER SOLIUM DAVID. 18th Apr 2014 18th Apr 2014 | 12,166 notes —Gillian Flynn (Source: uglypnis, via ham-s) 18th Apr 2014 | 565,704 notes hirxeth: // glow // (Source: pixytrixx, via ham-s) 16th Apr 2014 | 13,463 notes (Source: vollkommenstoned, via palesperm) 14th Apr 2014 | 2,313 notes (Source: fuckwhitable, via backtothegypsyy) 14th Apr 2014 | 51,348 notes (Source: takeobladi-oblada, via aqualized) 14th Apr 2014 | 11,060 notes (Source: diecry, via ham-s) 10th Apr 2014 | 5,660 notes (Source: vieniadosarelamiaansia, via palesperm) 8th Apr 2014 | 1,166 notes (Source: classyfemdomuniverse, via porn4ladies) 7th Apr 2014 | 3,309 notes (Source: americanspsycho, via backporchsmoking) Dorm Life. Sacha♥


Wicked Clothes. Everyday. New Girl. ◯ⒺⓇⒾⒸ◯ Little things. My Little Slice of Heaven: “Describe your EX in one word” - That’s what flashed up on my laptop screen this morning. I used to think about all of the times that I drove to your house. I couldn’t wait for your dog to race to the door, barking at me through the window, and your parents to ask me about my day. They always had that glint in their eye like they were pleased that I was there to help you, to get you on track.

I think about when I knew that our silly play fights would turn into you kissing me and bringing me closer to you and the whole world would disappear with us giggling between the sheets. I think about how many times we sat on your beanbag chairs talking about absolutely nothing, watching movies that didn’t mean anything to either of us.

You always commented on how I talked about your heartbeat. You didn’t like how often I told you that it’s rude to smoke with someone in the passenger seat. You were insulted every time I gave you that look because you were drinking again. “Describe your EX in one word” 365 Days of Words. I want to be able to write the way that I used to. Thoughts unblocked. Mind racing to form sentences with meaning. Unafraid of what my fingertips might say as they press against these keys. I want to know that if I speak my mind, the people I love, and the people they know, won’t find a way to ruin it for me again and again. I want to know that they won’t make jokes about having a blog, about having something that I once cared about so much.

I want to know that when the words come out, I can rely on you to read them with comfort and ease, not embarassment and pity. You can tell all your friends that it’s just depression, that it’s just a lack of confidence, but these words are so much more than that. These words are what helped me find myself when I was lost, before I lost myself again with someone new. These words are a part of who I once was, and I need you to accept that. I need you to accept me. To stop pushing me so hard in certain aspects of my life and to push me harder in others. FUCK-YEAHPICKUPLINES. && taking best guesses... Feels are gonna feel™
