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那些我從 Startup Weekend 學到的事. 別搞錯方向, 這不是一個 hack day 參加由來及規則 今年中在某次的 RGBA 聚會遇到了 James Hill.

那些我從 Startup Weekend 學到的事

在他的邀請下 Felix, ihower 和我參加了今年八月的 Startup Weekend Taipei. Startup Weekend 是幹嘛的勒? 他的目的是在這 54 小時的活動裡讓有熱誠想創業並的人創造出新的服務, 網站及團隊. 活動的流程是這樣的: pitch, 上台發表你的點子並且說服大家認同你的想法. 參賽過程 我對於這個活動本來就抱持著去交朋友的心態, 所以直到參賽的當天早上都還沒有任何的想法. 大家選好要參加的隊伍後我們的成員有 15 位之多. 過程實在是非常的緊湊, 實作時間其實一天都不到. 我們團隊最後是由一位在台長住的法國人 Edouard 上台 present. 最後得獎的分別是 第一名 foodjing, 讓你輕鬆搜尋附近哪裡有好吃東西的服務.第二名 Vetter, 一個點子管理的網站.第三名 EZcook, 一個依照你手邊食材輕鬆產生出食譜的網站. 學到的事 名片準備多一些, 這裡都是有衝勁想創業的傢伙. 點子要盡量簡單, 記住你只有 54 小時. 記住, 這不是一個 hack day. 多花一些心思在觀察 VC 要的到底是什麼, 在創業的過程中除非你家有燒不完的錢不然這是遲早要面對的問題. 我個人感覺要在這種活動勝出重點在 pitch & present.

最後補充一些活動結束之後團隊遇到的問題. 想知道更多的朋友也可以看看這篇文章. Related posts. Why Diversity Is Bad For Startups. Editor’s note: The following is a guest post by Penelope Trunk, writer and founder of Brazen Careerist.

Why Diversity Is Bad For Startups

In a meeting last week one of our investors, fed up with a recent pivot, said, “Guys, this is not a science project.” Everyone in the meeting who actually works at the company said, “Yes, it is.” Because a startup is a science project. A startup is not just a smaller version of a big business. A startup is a company that doesn’t know what business it’s in. This is why diversity is bad in a very early-stage startup – when there are fewer than five people at the company. Diversity in this case—the diversity you do not want in your start-up–is a diverse frame of reference. I know a lot about diversity because I grew up as a rich Jewish kid just north of Chicago, and I married a Born-Again Christian farmer in rural Wisconsin.

We learn from each other constantly, because we approach problems so differently. You do not want this in a startup. But that’s a problem. Image: horiavarlan. This Week in Startups 在首爾 — 「行動積點服務」有搞頭? (圖片:TWiST Seoul meetup影片) 針對新創公司發表idea這樣類似的活動在各地絡繹不絕,不曉得各位是否聽過“This Week in Startups" (簡稱TWiST) ?

This Week in Startups 在首爾 — 「行動積點服務」有搞頭?

8月底首次移師韓國首爾連線舉辦,超過30組當地人馬報名,經篩選後最後上場發表的有6個團隊,帶大家快速掃描: Adbyme -- 廣告主加入網站後,可以po活動或產品並設定預算與Cost Per Unique Visitor ,由網友回應推薦原因經由社群散播,若朋友點擊連結至服務頁面可獲得部分拆帳。 DiDi Networks – 專注於戶外電子廣告網絡整合,包括地鐵、大樓、電梯內的電子看板,尚未正式上線。 Moglue – 互動ebook製作。 其中獲評審最高分好評的是Spoqa(스포카),得到明年3月於舊金山舉辦的Launch conference參加權,機酒全額補助。 簡單來說,Spoqa是行動紅利積點結合social概念。 <<<倒帶<<< 我去飲料店買了一杯珍奶(當然我舉珍奶是非常台灣式的例子),它和Spoqa有合作關係,於是我使用APP照取商家QR code, 依照消費金額轉換累積點數,然後我將店家資訊分享給我的朋友,如果朋友也因此來消費並使用Spoqa,不但他可以獲得點數,我跟著累積點數,像老鼠會,就算是經由他分享出去的朋友去消費,組頭在家睡覺也能積點(但幾層關係內有效並無說明),這些積點未來可以兌換商品,對於商家與個人來說都具使用誘因,且不用擔心塞一堆集點卡在皮夾。

聽起來是有點似曾相識? 也許是模式較明確,獲得評審青睞第二位的是Adby.Me,商家加入Adby.Me後上傳活動或是產品,讓使用者針對產品發表一句slogan並藉由社群網絡發送出去,發表者會因為朋友看到後的點擊從中獲得部分回饋,企業則是pay per click。 參賽的幾個團隊大多是非常非常的「新」,有的甚至根本還沒有正式營運,很難找到其他媒體報導,故無法確知實際運作的可接受度以及進一步細節,所以至於... TWiST Seoul以英文全程進行,兩地用視訊連線進行簡報以及問答,輕鬆有趣的分享ideas,影片可在Youtube觀看。 影片很長,為各位切出各團隊發表的時間點。 準備好! Are You Building The Right Product? - Summify.

Editor’s note: Guest contributor Eric Ries is a consultant and the author of The Lean Startup, which he will be launching at Disrupt SF on Tuesday.

Are You Building The Right Product? - Summify

Follow him @ericries. I was recently asked to spend some time with an early stage startup that has a revolutionary new product. I asked them if they thought they were making their product better. As with every other startup I’ve asked, they said yes. Then I asked them, “How do you know?” Then I asked them this question: what would happen to the company if the entire product development team took a month off and went on vacation? In one scenario, they’ve been working overtime, putting in crazy hours, and in the other, they’d be on vacation. Most product teams don’t know if they are making their product better or worse; that’s why customers feel a twinge of fear every time they have to update or upgrade.

We divided our customers into cohorts, looking at the new customers who joined each day as a distinct group. Products are really experiments.