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故事行銷. Corp. In TW. Hello Kitty - 維基百科,自由的百科全書. Kitty外形商店 風格咖啡廳 Hello Kitty(日语:ハローキティ;拉丁写法:Harōkiti),或稱為凱蒂貓[1],是日本的三麗鷗公司於1974年所创作的卡通人物。 Hello Kitty的相关商品通常是以明亮的粉红色的一只左耳上有红色蝴蝶结的白色卡通小貓Hello Kitty形象出现。 刻意忽略嘴巴部分的Hello Kitty商标自1976年注册以來,现已广为人知。 名稱[编辑] Hello Kitty在早期正式採用的中文官方譯名為凱蒂貓,但後來改掉這譯名而使用Hello Kitty做譯名,不過目前市面仍還有是使用凱蒂貓的稱呼,另外還可見到凱迪貓、吉蒂貓等名。

周边产品[编辑] 虽然Hello Kitty最初的设计著重於女性市场,但至今該卡通人物商品已涉及玩具、钱包、电视、衣服、按摩器、计算机硬件甚至性玩具。 1974年11月1日問世,1976年註冊的凱蒂貓,在不久之後,也成為卡通的主角。 在日本,Hello Kitty 至少出演了一部自己的动画剧集。 从2004年开始这只小猫同样出现在了万事达卡的表面。 历史[编辑] Hello Kitty的设计师-清水侑子 Hello Kitty 最初是在1974年由Sanrio公司的设计师清水侑子设计的。 Hello Kitty被给予了英国血统因为当时英国文化很受日本女孩欢迎。 Hello Kitty的虚构世界包括一大堆朋友和家庭成员。 在国际上的成功[编辑] 長榮航空的Kitty Jet Hello Kitty一开始就被带到了美国市场,并且从1983年开始担任联合国儿童基金会的美国儿童大使。 而三麗鷗公司亦與台灣的長榮航空公司合作,自2005年10月20日開始,推出首架以Hello Kitty家族為主題的彩繪客機,並命名為Kitty Jet。 形象风格和可能的来源[编辑] 就像是其他众多Sanrio的卡通人物,Hello Kitty是以可爱路线创作的。 有人认为Hello Kitty来源于日本的招财猫(招き猫),而且Hello Kitty的名字也可以算作招财猫的另一种英文译法,意思同样是beckoning cat(招手的猫)。 近年來Hello Kitty也漸漸走入都會上班風,希望可以抓住上班族群的心,有穿高跟鞋的Hello Kitty,有時甚至會賣弄一點點可愛的小性感。

官方資料[编辑] Kitty的家人(White家族)[编辑] Kitty的男朋友[编辑]


Agile Media Network english. AIDMA法則. 出自 MBA智库百科( 這是在1898年由美國廣告學家E.S.劉易斯最先提出。 AIDMA法則的含義為:A(Attention)引起註意;I (Interest)產生興趣;D(Desire)培養欲望;M(Memory)形成記憶;A(Action)促成行動。 所謂AIDMA法則,是指在消費者從看到廣告,到發生購物行為之間,動態式地引導其心理過程,並將其順序模式化的一種法則。 其過程是首先消費者,註意到(attention)該廣告,其次感到興趣(in-terest)而閱讀下去,再者產生想買來試一試的欲望(desire)。 然後記住 (memory)該廣告的內容最後產生購買行為(action)。 這種廣告發生功效而引導消費者產生的心理變化,就稱為AIDMA法則。 A:Attention(引起註意)——花哨的名片、提包上繡著廣告詞等被經常採用的引起註意的方法 I:Interest (引起興趣)——一般使用的方法是精製的彩色目錄、有關商品的新聞簡報加以剪貼。

D:Desire(喚起欲望)——推銷茶葉的要隨時準備茶具,給顧客沏上一杯香氣撲鼻的濃茶,顧客一品茶香體會茶的美味,就會產生購買欲。 M:Memory(留下記憶)—— 一位成功的推銷員說:“每次我在宣傳自己公司的產品時,總是拿著別公司的產品目錄,一一加以祥細說明比較。 A:Action(購買行動)——從引起註意到付諸購買的整個銷售過程,推銷員必須始終信心十足。 在營銷行業和廣告行業,AIDMA法則經常被用來解釋消費心理過程。 營銷行業的人運用它是為了準確瞭解消費者的心理和行為,制訂有效的營銷策略,提高成交率。 廣告行業的人用它是為了創作實效的廣告,實效的廣告簡單地說就是可以促進銷售的廣告,它對銷售增長是有效的。 創造實效的廣告,它對消費者經歷的心理歷程和消費決策,將產生影響力和誘導的作用,也就是在“引起註意→產生興趣→培養欲望→形成記憶→促成行動”的五個環節,實效廣告的信息會一直影響消費者的思考和行為。 因此,在創作廣告的時候,不是單純地在進行一種設計藝術的創作,而是一種為了實現商業目標的創作。 如果您認為本條目還有待完善,需要補充新內容或修改錯誤內容,請編輯條目。 評論(共6條) 提示:評論內容為網友針對條目"AIDMA法則"展開的討論,與本站觀點立場無關。 AISAS模式. 出自 MBA智库百科( AISAS模式是由電通公司針對互聯網與無線應用時代消費者生活形態的變化,而提出的一種全新的消費者行為分析模型。 目前營銷方式正從傳統的AIDMA營銷法則(Attention 註意Interest 興趣 Desire 欲望 Memory 記憶 Action 行動)逐漸向含有網路特質的AISAS(Attention 註意Interest 興趣 Search 搜索 Action 行動 Share 分享)模式的轉變。 在全新的營銷法則中,兩個具備網路特質的“s”——search(搜索),share(分享)的出現,指出了互聯網時代下搜索(Search)和分享(Share)的重要性,而不是一味地向用戶進行單向的理念灌輸,充分體現了互聯網對於人們生活方式和消費行為的影響與改變。 從傳統時代到網路時代,互聯網(WEB)與移動應用(Mobile)得到了爆發性的普及。 如果說第一代互聯網同電視、報紙一樣承擔了信息發佈者的角色,網路搜索引擎則提供了與傳統媒介完全不同的、主動、精準獲取信息的可能性。

緊接著,Web2.0帶來了傳統媒體無可取代的全新傳播理念——以生活者為主體的傳播——消費者不僅可以通過網路主動獲取信息,還可以作為發佈信息的主體,與更多的消費者分享信息。 針對這種趨勢,電通提出的CGM(Consumer Generated Media)消費者發佈型媒體概念:以Blog、Wiki、BBS、SNS等為主要形式的個人媒體,不僅停留在個人信息發佈和群體信息共用,還涉及到將新聞和企業信息(也包括廣告)進行比較討論等各種各樣的傳播形式;信息發佈由從前的B2C——由商家向消費者發佈的模式,轉化為“B2C2C”——由商家向消費者發佈之後,消費者向消費者發佈與共用的模式。 生活者的變化首先表現在媒體接觸時間的變化。 其次表現在消費者主動性消費的增加。 互聯網還引起了消費者心理的改變,“不願失敗”的消費心理有了更充分的信息依據。 傳播環境與消費者是營銷過程中的一體兩面。 從AIDMA到AISAS,重構消費者行為模式[1] 由於傳播環境與生活方式的改變,生活者的購買探討過程也隨之變化。

基於以上一系列的研究與探討,電通公司對作為營銷基礎的消費者行為模式進行了重構。 從AISAS到接觸點管理,跨媒體全傳播體系的進化[1] 一、消費者行為模式的演變 評論(共0條) 詹宏志解讀2012年消費動態:依賴超商、行動網路上身. Engagement through Gamification. Are we killing our customers with engagement? By Neicole Crepeau, Contributing {grow} Columnist Facebook is seeing a decline in use. Studies show that users are un-Liking business pages. Consumers are getting savvy and more jaded about businesses use of social media—and they’re responding negatively. The thing is, it’s our own fault. Social media consultants and bloggers have long urged companies to create Facebook pages and Twitter accounts and start a conversation with their customers. So, lots of companies have done just that. The problem is, most customers don’t want a conversation with a company or its representatives. Sure, there are exceptions.

It may be worth engaging that minority deeply, as brand advocates. As I noted in my recent post, If You Want to Engage Me, Make Me Look Good, the conversation approach ISN’T customer-centric. Customers aren’t beating down the doors of businesses begging them, “engage with me, please!” Customers want to engage with their friends. Don’t get me wrong. Do you agree? How to Increase Facebook Engagement Using Custom Page Tabs. Meaghan Edelstein has gained national media attention through her blog, I Kicked Cancer's Ass, which she started to document her battle with end stage cancer. She is an attorney, the founder of the non-profit organization Spirit Jump, and works for the Global Strategic Management Institute. The year 2011 brought exciting changes to social media marketing, especially when it came to Facebook. One such change is the ability to build customized landing tabs using iFrames, social plugins and geotargeting.

These custom tabs open a world of opportunity for brands to increase Facebook engagement. Brands that invest in building the right types of tabs on their Facebook Pages are more likely to increase Likes and achieve real engagement growth. 1. Understanding your audience is key to building a tab that will increase both Likes and engagement. Prior to building tabs, the Mexico Tourism Board (MTB) sought out audience input by launching a consumer survey on its primary website. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9 Ways Top Brands Use Social Media for Better Customer Service. Rohit Bhargava is SVP of global digital strategy at Ogilvy, an award-winning marketing blogger and the best-selling author of Personality Not Included, a book about creating a more human brand.

His is currently writing his second book called Likeonomics on how to be more believable. When an irate traveler tweeted about how he had arrived late to The Four Seasons in Palo Alto and been “bumped” to an inferior room, the hotel saw it immediately and responded, promising to make it up to him. Turns out, the customer spends about 60 nights a year in Palo Alto for work, and promised in his next tweet to spend many of those nights at The Four Seasons.

The brand has had several similar stories posted online by delighted customers, and they are exactly the kind of successes that justify the investment in social media for customer service (which, in turn, drives sales). How can customer care better integrate with other functions across a company, like marketing? #Integration 1. 2. 3. #Scaling 4. 5. Gamification:遊戲化的未來. Microtransactions: A Love Story. Fast moving consumer goods. Soft drinks are FMCGs Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) or Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) are products that are sold quickly and at relatively low cost. Examples include non-durable goods such as soft drinks, toiletries, Over-the-counter drugs, toys, processed foods and many other consumables.[1][2] Though the profit margin made on FMCG products is relatively small (more so for retailers than the producers/suppliers), they are generally sold in large quantities; thus, the cumulative profit on such products can be substantial.

FMCG is probably the most classic case of low margin and high volume business. Fast-moving consumer electronics are a type of FMCG and are typically low priced generic or easily substitutable consumer electronics, including mobile phones, MP3 players, game players, and digital cameras which are of disposable nature. Scope[edit] FMCG have a short shelf life, either as a result of high consumer demand or because the product deteriorates rapidly. ISIC definition[edit] 4 Steps to Selling With Social Media. Are you wondering why your social media efforts aren’t working? Social media success sometimes appears arbitrary.

Perhaps you’ve wondered, “Why does company X generate leads and business from their social activity while my company wastes resources on blogs that don’t get read and tweets that go unanswered?” Social media is so new, sometimes the path to success is unclear and it’s easy to lose your way. If you want to demystify the experience and improve your ROI (return on investment), you need to make sure that your marketing and campaigns include these four essential components: Attraction: How do you attract qualified leads to your website or business? Retention: How do you stay in contact with people after they’ve left your website or store? Conversion: How do you get people to “buy now” or move further down the sales funnel? By following this model, you’ll be able to ensure that you’ll successfully navigate your way through this untamed wilderness. #1: Attraction: How to draw people to you.

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Internet Usage 1) In the last 4 years, the web has gone from 100 million websites to 250 million. 2) 75.5% of the US population uses the internet. Mobile Use 9) 31% of Americans own a smartphone. Search Social Media.