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Facebook Page Insights專頁洞察對社群行銷價值的影響. 2011年11月22日一早發現Facebook又改版,這個改的範圍比較多,對許多粉絲專頁經營者影響比較大的是取代精準行銷的『專頁洞察 Facebook Page Insights 』。 『專頁洞察 Facebook Page Insights 』提供了許多之前沒看過的數據、數值定義,剛開始看也一定會霧傻傻,從中TK看到了一些觀念和改變與大家分享。 把餅做大! 重視傳播力,社群經營策略在改變粉絲專頁當媒體粉絲專頁KPI影響改變Facebook廣告覆蓋範圍Facebook Page Insights對社群行銷價值的影響 1.把餅做大! 重視傳播力,社群經營策略在改變: Facebook為何要在這次新功能開放了『粉絲的朋友們』、『談論這個的用戶』(之前只有前台有出現)、『每週觸及總人數』 多數Facebook Page owners較重視粉絲數的累積(累積按讚次數),看來Facebook這次更鼓勵大家把焦點集中在粉絲數(累積按讚次數),只是希望大家把方向著眼在社群行銷的核心,擴散傳播! 2.粉絲專頁當媒體: 接觸對象:粉絲專頁每週觸及總人數,這是媒體重視的觸達,如電視的收視率。 涵蓋範圍:如實體戶外廣告、平面媒體、橫幅式廣告,每篇貼文可影響的範圍。 對你專頁說讚的用戶-說讚的內容:該粉絲專頁,自有社群媒體可自行影響的性別與年齡結構(投其所好將會提高談論數)。 3.粉絲專頁KPI的影響改變: 剛開始粉絲專頁KPI大家都是看粉絲數,自數位時代第3屆百大粉絲團PK票選,粉絲數等於粉絲專頁影響力開始有了質疑,許多擁有數萬粉絲的粉絲專頁投票數慘不人賭。

[Facebook] 台灣最熱門臉書粉絲團排行榜 (人氣vs買氣大PK)2011/08/17 【2011粉絲團票選戰報】新秀崛起! 直到前幾個禮拜,粉絲數下方出現了一個評論數(talking about),所有人的焦點又轉移到評論數(talking about),至現在『專業洞察Facebook Page Insights 』出現了幾個沒看過的數值,恰巧最近也是企業明年年度規劃的重點時程,所以未來Facebook社群行銷的KPI要如何訂定? Facebook社群行銷KPI的訂定,要從社群行銷策略去發展規劃,建議參考數值如下: Social media 策略:曝光露出 KPI:累計按讚次數(粉絲數)、每週觸及總人數(接觸對象) Social CRM 策略:社群互動.

FB Stats

Jan’s Tech Blog » Like Line:製作自己的Facebook Infographic. Bret Taylor: “A Few Years From Now, Most Every Single Person At Facebook Is Going To Be Working On Mobile” Bret Taylor: “A Few Years From Now, Most Every Single Person At Facebook Is Going To Be Working On Mobile” How important is mobile to Facebook? Already, 350 million of its 800 million monthly active users are on mobile devices, and that number is just going to get bigger. “Fundamentally we view it as a really big shift for our company, as fundamental as the shift from desktop apps to the Internet,” Facebook CTO Bret Taylor tells me in the TCTV interview above (which was shot at the Web 2.0 Summit earlier this week).

“Companies really need to redefine themselves in this world of devices rather than browsers on people’s laptops.” Taylor goes even further with this stunning prediction: “A few years from now, most every single person at Facebook who works there is going to be working on mobile almost exclusively.” Mobile and social go hand in hand. Here is where Project Spartan may come in. “Where we can play a role in mobile is just helping app discovery and engagement,” says Taylor. Anti-Facebook Social Network “Unthink” Launches To Public.

Scrappy outsider startup, which bills itself as the “anti-Facebook,” is opening up its doors today, allowing in its first round of beta testers. The Tampa-based company with $2.5 million in funding from DouglasBay Capital sees itself as a more open, more honest form of social networking – one where its users are the owners of their data, and not the product being sold to advertisers. Unthink is the kind of startup that could only come from outside of traditional tech hotspots like Silicon Valley or New York, as there’s a certain level of audacity, and perhaps even ignorance, that you need in order to think you have a shot at displacing social networking giant Facebook and all of its 800 million users. And taking down Facebook is the core of Unthink’s marketing campaign. In fact, the majority of Unthink’s message is about what it is not: it’s not another social network, it’s a social revolution.

(Above: a profile after sign-up) On Unthink, user data isn’t sold to brands. Are We Too Obsessed With Facebook? [INFOGRAPHIC] Facebook profiles are like belly buttons: Everybody's got one. Perhaps that statement's still a bit of an exaggeration, but by the numbers, we (that is, Internet users around the globe) are becoming more obsessed with Facebook by the day.

One out of every 13 Earthlings and three out of four Americans is on Facebook, and one out of 26 signs into Facebook on a daily basis. We could rattle off stats like that until the cows come home, but instead, we'd like to show you this fascinating infographic from SocialHype and Here, in a visual nutshell, are some highlights about Facebook usage, 2010 trends, adoption numbers and a great deal more. Take a good look at this information (or click here for the full-size version), and in the comments, let us know what you think about our global fascination with Facebook. Is Facebook an amazing connective medium? A plague that preys on the easily addicted? Embed this Image on Your Site: Header image courtesy of Flickr, tsevis. Facebook by the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC] The Social Media Infographics Series is supported by Vocus' Social Media Strategy Tool, a free, six-step online tool that lets you build a custom social media framework tailored to your organization’s goals.

You likely know that Facebook is the world's largest social network with more than 800 million users, but did you know that more than 250 million photos are uploaded every single day? Or that the average American spends seven hours and 46 minutes browsing her friends' profiles per month? Facebook has become an integral part of our lives — some people more than others.

It's where we learn what our friends are doing, who they're dating and even what they're listening to. We wanted to dive deeper into the Facebook phenomenon, so we collected some stats about the social network and put them together in one infographic. Check out what makes Facebook tick (and what celebrity is the king of Facebook with 47+ million fans) below. Infographic designed by Emily Caufield. Facebook Fail: Posting via Other Apps Can Cut Likes & Comments by 88% [STUDY] Does posting to Facebook via third-party apps make any difference to how engaged your fans are? Does Facebook's algorithm discriminate against content management apps? The people at Applum, creators of Edgerank Checker, decided to find out. They analyzed more than a million Facebook updates on more than 50,000 Pages in order to test the theory that posting to Facebook via third-party apps simply doesn't generate as much engagement as posting directly on Facebook.

The results were surprising. Applum's speculative reason: Facebook penalizes third-party apps in its complex algorithm. Facebook users can decide to block all updates from any third-party app, which could also be a factor. However, Applum notes, it may also be the type of content that is being posted through these apps — and its timing that is causing the problem. So is Facebook deliberately downgrading third-party apps? How the World Uses Social Networks [INFOGRAPHIC] The Social Media Infographics Series is supported by Vocus' Social Media Strategy Tool, a free, six-step online tool that lets you build a custom social media framework tailored to your organization’s goals. Amidst the Facebook-centric society in which we now seem to live, it's important to remember that groups of people around the world use social networks differently.

We've taken a look at the social media breakdown in 10 countries — how they're engaging with social networks, blogs and Internet culture. Based on data provided by Nielsen, Facebook is clearly the favored social network. However, you might be surprised to see how runners-up like Twitter and LinkedIn rank on a global scale. Take a peek at our infographic, and please let us know in the comments below which social networks are popular (or gaining popularity) in your country of residence. Infographic design by Nick Sigler Series supported by Vocus.

Open Graph

Facebook Security. Daily Active Users on Facebook are not engaging your content - TNW SM. There is, without any doubt, value in reaching out to your audience via social media. But a recent report from PageLever might just surprise you when you find out that your most active users aren’t engaging with your messages to any notable extent. The report, which details the difference between an “active” user and an engaged one, points out the fact that “an active user is counted anytime someone visits your fan page or views a story about your fan page.

If a user views content without engaging, they’re still counted as an Active User. If someone generates both a pageview and a story impression, they will only count as one active user” So where does this leave us? The second major thing to note here is that the renaming comes from a very important factor. PageLever did a benchmark of 1,000 pages, consisting of over 100,000 data points, to see what the Daily Active Users were up to. Widman does have an interesting take-away from the report, as well.