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Welcome to our first ever 90-day splits challenge! : flexibility. Jaw-Neck Sequence. Write-up about the posterior pelvic tilt, or the "no ass syndrome", and how to fix it : Fitness. A guide to fixing computer guy posture - upper body : Fitness. Molding Mobility. Overview Mobility and flexibility go hand in hand, but mobility is more about movement quality. This program is intended for beginners looking to do one of two things: increase general range of motion in your movements, and/or help fix all the creaks, aches, and pops of age and bodily disuse This program is intended to go hand-in-hand with Starting Stretching.

Always consult with a doctor if you have any injuries, and stop doing things if they produce pain. I am not a medical professional, and cannot afford a lawyer, so use this program at your own risk. The Program This program is split into two sections - joint mobility and warmup exercises. The warmup exercises should be done before a workout, with the goal of increasing your range of motion for the workout. Joint Mobility Each of the following movements covers one joint. Press to the edges of your ROM, but not enough to cause discomfort. Once a week, you should perform a session for a number of reps equal to your age. Warmup Exercises. Common Orthopedic Inflexibilities.