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NAVIGATION ASTRONOMIQUE. NICHOLSON 31 sailboat specifications and details on The Cruising Keel - Cruisers. A Voyaging Cruiser's Page We know, we know...... "full keelers", "crubcrushers", "built like tanks", "their hulls are THIS thick", "they were built when builders didn't know how strong fiberglass was" and on and on and on..............................actually, we AGREE :-) This page is going to touch some nerve. I can see it now... "How come my boat wasn't mentioned ?

" The scope of this page is to simply, offer a list and some ideas to cruising sailors who are in the process of researching their new or next cruising sailboat. Contessa 26 « bill's boatblog. Getting to know a boat . . .

Contessa 26 « bill's boatblog

How long does it take to get to know a boat? Longer than most people think. When I first sailed Blue Mistress, she had a lot of weather helm. I thought it might be something to do with the rudder. It became a feature of our sailing – slowed us a little but it didn’t stop us. Then I discovered it wasn’t necessarily the rudder. I learnt to trim the sails more carefully, and got used to selecting the ‘right’ foresail for the particular weather. That was a pretty obvious, you say. Perhaps, but, problems often work that way – they crop up and are set aside to be solved later. The bigger, more pressing problems draw our attention and the lesser ones are tolerated and fade into the background. As a result many of us live our lives at less than our full potential – mildly (or heavily) inhibited by a pot full of unfinished business.

So with the weather helm. I was sailing with the No 1 foresail. Straightfoward stuff. And I enjoyed the sense of a race. Burnett Yacht Design - Custom cruising yacht design and consultancy. Small Boat Journal. Bulletin 149 Cats4Sale. Marshall 22. Here is the perfect boat to expand your cruising grounds.

Marshall 22

The Marshall 22 is a rugged, sea-kindly boat with classic looks that will turn heads in any harbor. Her two foot draft will let you access anchorages and coves that are off limits to most cruising sailboats. The M-22 is roomy enough for a family of four and simple enough for a couple to enjoy a relaxing weekend away from home. An elegant daysailer, the M-22 is also a capable long distance cruiser. Many of her owners have sailed their boats from New England to Florida and even as far north as Greenland.

For those preferring greater sail area and more sail handling, the traditional look of the sloop rigged version of the M-22 has proven popular. Cruiser or daysailer, cat or sloop rigged, let us work with you to customize a boat that will satisfy your sailing needs. Marshall Marine. CBA Cats4Sale Winter Bulletin 151. ‘Ping’ 6.2 metre Ocean Pocket Cruiser. 'Ping' 'Ping' again By chance, when surfing the Internet, I came across a reference to a small, but powerful ocean cruising yacht by the name of ‘Ping’.

‘Ping’ 6.2 metre Ocean Pocket Cruiser

She was designed by naval architect, Eur Ing Alastair G L Hunter. I had heard of another of his yachts, the double-ended, single-chine ‘Shuffle’, of which there are three versions: the 7.3 metre, the 7.8 metre and the 8.2 metre – all of them made from steel. The smallest of his yachts is the ‘Phantom 14’, which he designed for coastal cruising and weekending.

Tranpsac. 2006 Singlehanded Transpacific Race San Francisco to Hanalei, Hawaii Carroll E's track June 24-July 17.


The Pacific High forced us down south of the rhumbline. Towed out to the starting line Starting line.......not a lot of wind! Second over the line...... ...........last out the Gate. Rosy, a 21 foot cruising auxiliary sailboat similar to a Crocker Stone Horse, pocket cruiser. Projet de croisière le long de la côte Algérienne - Carnet de voyages FORUM Carnet de voyages - FORUM Bateau. Nous trouvons finalement un marinero, qui nous dit que nous sommes très bien où nous sommes ...

Projet de croisière le long de la côte Algérienne - Carnet de voyages FORUM Carnet de voyages - FORUM Bateau

Deux jours de repos, rencontre agréable avec le bateau voisin : un "Héliotrope" baptisé Yakayalé, plan Finot en aluminium. Une jolie barque.Il s'agit d'un jeune couple avec enfants, qui débute à la voile et a pris une année sabbatique histoire de vivre un peu. Chapeau et amitiés Richard et Lydie ! Ils nous parlent de leurs amis du "Wanda" qui naviguent aussi en famille sur un bateau acier, nous espérons bien les rencontrer. Je vous engage à lire leur blog illustré de nombreuses photos : [...] Hisse et oh ! Sébastien Roubinet - Accueil. Votre croisiere en Corse : La Corse a la Voile.


Grand largue - Fabulite. LE " NE QUID NIMIS " Fabulite L'équipage "NE QUID NIMIS", un nom compliqué qui signifie en latin "juste ce qu'il faut".

grand largue - Fabulite

Voilier de grande croisière construit par le Chantier Naval de Soubise, sur plans du cabinet d'architecture ETARN sous la direction de Pierre Laval, le NE QUID NIMIS est confortable, rapide, sûr et marin, il a la taille idéale pour partir tranquille en toute sécurité, à un prix raisonnable, en ayant la certitude de toujour pouvoir effectuer les manoeuvres seul ou à deux au maximum, quel que soit le temps. Le NE QUID NIMIS est de conception assez classique dans l'ensemble, bien que quelques détails le singularisent : - sur l'eau : une coque en forme bien frégatée vers le maître bau pour réduire les poids dans les hauts, une étrave tulipée et des sections avant évasées donnent une plage avant confortable et sèche, ce qui est une sécurité.

Cuisiner « tout en bateau.