LMS for Law Enforcement Industry. A Complete Guide on eLearning. A Complete Guide on eLearning There is no denying how effective and convenient eLearning is in this digital era, especially in these unprecedented difficult times.
Everyone knows it has a powerful impact on both organizations and learners. But, have you ever thought about what exactly eLearning is and what makes it so impactful? Whether you are a novice on eLearning or you have been using it for a long time and are an expert, you’ll agree that it has been continually scaling the online learning industry. eLearning has benefited both the employers and the employees. Employers find eLearning to be highly efficient from a time and money aspects in training their employees, whereas, for employees, it's a convenient method to boost their knowledge and skill set. Besides training employees, entrepreneurs also use it to train their business partners to adopt new strategies, increase customer retention, and boost overall revenue. Solution for LMS Administration. Training Software. Learning Management System For Manufacturing. While all industries practice training methods, the manufacturing industry has the most challenging environment when it comes to training.
Why Manufacturing Industry Needs to Adopt an LMS? As a main driver in economic wealth, the manufacturing industry accounts for 12.5 percent of U.S. GDP and 11 percent of total U.S. employment. With strict training regimens and industry requirements (such as OSHA and ISO 9000), it’s important to adopt an LMS (Learning Management System) to manage necessary training in the workplace. There is a strong focus on productivity, costs, and efficiency and because of the industry’s large size, it is very diverse and adopts many different processes. In this industry, there are employees everywhere. Training Tracking Software. Manufacturing LMS. Manufacturing LMS. Best LMS For Manufacturing Industry.
Best LMS for Compliance Training. Competency Management System (CMS) Gyrus System. Technology LMS. Law Enforcement LMS. Manufacturing LMS. Healthcare LMS. At 1/6th of the US economy and one of the largest industries worldwide, the Healthcare Industry faces numerous challenges in the upcoming decade; ever-increasing regulation, managing medical advances and severe shortages of nurses and doctors create a confluence of threat factors that can detract from patient outcomes if not handled efficiently and effectively.
The healthcare industry is a significant segment of our client base. Our rigorous client feedback model has allowed us to incorporate valuable functionalities suggested by industry professionals that have benefitted the industry by making compliance easier and more effective. Gyrus System. LMS Services & Technology Industry. Best LMS for Banks. GyrusAim provides customers in the financial industry effective tools to provide their employees with the competencies and skills for success and to keep them current with certifications and regulatory standards.
Whether it's Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank, the "JOBS Act," or FDIC rules and regulations, our web-based LMS provides a top-tier and comprehensive system of assessing employee's skills against job, organization, and compliance requirements. ELearning or scheduled training options are identified based on these skill gaps and performance is improved, the risk is reduced, and future employee skill gaps are prevented. Certification expiration and standards are actively monitored by GyrusAim in real-time. GyrusAim automatically sends email reminders for required and expired skills, enrollments, and it tracks classroom and self-reported training. Difference between training and development. What is Training or Development?
The words training and development are mostly used together in the corporate world and are seen as activities focused on improving the knowledge, performance and productivity of the employees. However, there is a distinct difference between their meanings and implications, which are often overlooked by a majority of professionals. How is Training Different from Development? Training programs are organized by the organization to develop employees' knowledge and skills as per their job requirements. On the other side, development is not directly related to job requirement, rather it aims at the generic development of the individual employees for the long run. Gyrus System. With the advent of the cloud-based learning management system, e-learning and online training have become highly effective for both corporate learners (employees) and students.
Instructional designers can now develop and deploy e-learning courses that are not just easily accessible, but also very cost-efficient. But, do you know the major benefits of a cloud-based LMS? Scroll down to learn more. A cloud-based LMS is the one that allows you to access and use the LMS without having to install any software or hardware. To access complete features of this learning solution, you and your learners simply have to log into a web portal, i.e. the service provider’s site. LMS Services & Technology Industry.
LMS for Law Enforcement Industry. Microlearning Best Practices. At Gyrus, we believe it is our duty to identify, discuss, and communicate our thoughts on upcoming industry trends.
Today, we will evaluate microlearning and the potential it carries in reference to bolstering a learning program. To start the microlearning discussion we must first define what it is. What is Microlearning? Microlearning is a brief (less than 5 minute) learning component with a focus on a very particular learning object (specifically a skill, behavior, or compliance piece). Deeper Insight into Microlearning Picture if you will an eLearning that takes an hour of your employees’ time. Wait, it appeals to shortened attention spans and works great with our hustling staff who is constantly on the go? So how can we ensure great microlearnings? In order to address the need for a microlearning, refer to the following: As referenced throughout this post, one must evaluate the learning needs they wish to address with the microlearning. LMS Implementation Guide. Mobile Learning Infographic.
What is Mobile Learning?
A few months ago we explored Mobile Learning and whether or not it is viable, today we provide an infographic of the benefits and features of Mobile Learning at a glance. Mobile Learning is a newer component of the blended learning mix and is constantly evolving into something more robust. Today, it truly is a viable feature for any learning development program, as it can adequately supplement a nomadic workforce as well as motivate workers to complete assignments in a timely manner. Text of Infographic: Compliance training management software. Last week Gyrus Systems earned a “Top 10” award from Talented Learning in the “Best Employee Compliance LMS” category.
Gyrus Systems is pleased to have its efforts recognized by a well-respected organization like Talented Learning. Solution for LMS Administration. Gyrus System. eLearning Software for Training. LMS Services & Technology Industry. Best LMS for Banks. Mobile Learning Infographic. Compliance learning management system. Solution for LMS Administration. Gyrus System. Best eLearning Software for Schools. Benefits of Cloud-Based LMS. Gyrus System. LMS Services & Technology Industry. Best LMS for Banks. Difference Between Training and Development. Gyrus System. What is the difference between training and development. Gyrus System. Solution for LMS Administration.
Gyrus System. Gamification Compliance Training. In September we explored ways in which to make compliance training more fun, with our article entitled?
Fun Compliance Training? A Real Phrase?. However, we did not fully dive into the depths of manners in which such fun could be accomplished. It seems nowadays in the learning world we can? If you are looking to gamify the compliance training experience, there are a few elements you will have to keep in mind. Transitioning Compliance into a Game Don? Focus on Real-Life Gamification Scenarios Making a super fun and immersive world in which players wander around and are exposed to compliance concepts, may not be the best way to approach gamifying compliance.
Assembling Real Characteristics for Training To further emphasize the need for practical implementation, I have chosen to call out these real-world, real-life scenarios again. Divide Training into Bite-Sized Pieces Unlike normal compliance training, it is imperative not to display all the content at once. eLearning Software for Training. LMS Implementation Guide. Compliance Learning Management System. What is Compliance Training? Compliance training ensures that employees, contractors, and partners have the right knowledge and understanding to comply with an organization’s legal, operational, ethical aspects of the business. It is something that organizations can’t compromise on if they don’t want to risk a complete business failure. Do Companies Fail to Follow Compliance Guidelines? Despite regular reiteration of all state and federal compliance guidelines and audits, organizations fail to be compliant with the latest regulations and research indicates that compliance lawsuits have increased tremendously over the past few years.
Even companies who have a proper compliance methodology get caught in the midst of changing the regulated environment, new compliance measures, etc. Gyrus System. eLearning Software for Training. Learning Management System For Manufacturing. Complete Guide on eLearning. LMS Implementation Guide. Learning Management Systems. Compliance Learning Management System. eLearning Software for Training. Online learning management system. Best LMS Training. Why an LMS is Essential for Enterprise e-Learning? Employee training has always been one of the most important concerns of businesses around the world.
But, traditional training methods consume much time and costs in the process. Employee training management software. Training Management System. How to implement LMS. A few months ago we explored How to Successfully Implement Your LMS, today we provide a general infographic in order to provide an understanding of the process at a glance. The Implementation process does not have to be frustrating, and we here at Gyrus do all that we can to help our clients in any manner we can. Be sure to join us for our continuing pursuit of knowledge in the learning and development front. The following is intended to aid users in their quest for a clean implementation.
Text of Infographic: Guide to Successful LMS Implementation Tune your Product, Process, and Content Set the interaction parameters within your environment, how do you want it to look with attention to branding and reports? References: Social Icon Images Designed by Freepik from Flaticon (www.flaticon.com)Infographic Images Designed by Gregor Cresnar from Flaticon (www.flaticon.com) eLearning Trends. As organizations are becoming more aware of the benefits of investing in workplace learning and development, the e-learning industry is growing at a faster pace.
Research says that the global eLearning industry is expected to experience growth of about 11% in 2020. With such a high percentage of growth rate, your business can dive into a pool of opportunities. If you are looking forward to making the best out of these golden opportunities, it is important to follow the latest e-learning trends. Here in this blog, we have concluded e-learning trends of 2020 that are going to redefine the industry standards. Learning Experience Platform The next milestone after Learning Management System is the Learning Experience Platform (LXP). Learning Management System. eLearning Software for Training. Best eLearning Software for Schools. Best Employee Training Software Programs. Best Online Training Software. Blended Learning. Blended Learning has Brought Multiple Source of Learning The days of learning being solely instructor led are gone forever. Today we have multiple sources of learning, even with the same content.
Blended Learning Suits the Time of Learner The best way to learn a particular piece of content depends on the time, the place, the learner, and the urgency. Blended learning Provides One Skill in One Level Your LMS should handle all of this for you. Blended Learning Program. Learner Management System. Best Learner Management System. Solution for LMS Administration. LMS Administration. Online Training System. Best Online Learning Platform. Training LMS. Training Management System. Best LMS Training. Best LMS For Manufacturing Industry. Healthcare LMS. Best LMS for Healthcare Industry. Learning Management System Features & Benefits. Features of LMS. Learn more about LMS. Best LMS for Compliance Training. Best LMS for Compliance Training.
Competency Management System (CMS) eLearning. AI-Based LMS. Learning Management Systems. Cloud LMS. Best Learning Management System. How To Implement LMS. Best Learning Management System. eLearning Trends. Technology LMS. Learn more about LMS.