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Facebook Twitter Oxfam GB | Leading UK charity fighting global poverty. Practical Presents. World Vision Must Have Gifts. Gift ideas around £60 for 56-64 year old Nature Lover, Hobbyist, Arty / Creative people of either gender. OS Developer Guide. Optionally add Google API keys: Secondly, decide whether you need to use features of Chromium that access Google APIs from the image you are building (translate web pages, geolocation, etc). If the answer is yes, you will need to have keys (see either in your include.gypi, or in a file in your home directory called ".googleapikeys".

If either of these file are present for step 1 of building (below) they will be included automatically. If you don't have these keys, these features of chromium will be quietly disabled. If you want to build on a branch, pass the branch name to repo init (e.g: repo init -u <URL> [-g minilayout] -b 0.9.94.T). When you use repo init you will be asked to confirm your name, email address, and whether you want color in your terminal. Building Chromium OS Create a chroot To make sure everyone uses the same exact environment and tools to build Chromium OS, all building is done inside a chroot.

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