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Commerce. Drupal Commerce is used to build eCommerce websites and applications of all sizes. At its core it is lean and mean, enforcing strict development standards and leveraging the greatest features of Drupal 7 and major modules like Views and Rules for maximum flexibility. Whereas eCommerce solutions are often developed with an application mindset, highlighting what you can do with it out of the box, Drupal Commerce was developed with a framework mindset, focusing on what you can build with it. The core Commerce systems make no hard-coded assumptions about your business model, privileging developers and site builders at the core level to build custom eCommerce solutions to suit.

Sponsored and maintained by Commerce Guys Core Features Additional functionality is provided through contributed modules, such as Shipping, Stock, Coupons, File downloads, PayPal, and many more... Just getting started? If so, we strongly recommend you use the Commerce Kickstart installation profile. Documentation. Introduction to Custom Line Items with Drupal Commerce. Randy Fay's videos. Working with Cart Rules events. The Cart modules defines Rules events and related hooks that let you react: Before adding a product to the cartAfter adding a product to the cartAfter removing a product from the cart The events that are triggered after adding and removing products from the cart receive a line item parameter that contains the full product line item that is being added or removed from the cart.

If you want to update this line item after it is added to the cart, such as to restrict its quantity to a maximum value via a custom Rule, then you are also responsible for saving the shopping order after making your changes so the order total can recalculate with the updated line item data. The following exported Rule demonstrates restricting the quantity of all purchases on a site to 1 and using the Save entity action to ensure the order is saved with the updated line item data. Note: the same workflow holds true for line item alterations based in modules implementing hook_commerce_cart_product_add(). Drupal Commerce Beta Demo | Drupal Commerce Demo.