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It’s Me, and Here’s My Proof: Why Identity and Authentication Mu. Published: February 14, 2006 By Steve Riley Senior Security StrategistSecurity Technology UnitMicrosoft Corporation See other Viewpoint articles. No matter what kinds of technological or procedural advancements occur, certain principles of computer science will remain -- especially those concerning information security. I’ve noticed lately that, among all the competing claims of security vendors that their latest shiny box will solve all your security woes, a basic understanding of computer science fundamentals is missing. The Concepts Let’s start by defining the concepts. Identity. Authentication. Authorization. To summarize: Authorization is well understood.

Why Identity and Authentication Must Remain Distinct Consider a system that has no passwords. Consider a system that requires entering only a password -- no user ID -- to log on. A system must maintain distinct mechanisms for identity and authentication. Now consider biometrics. Revocation presents another challenge. Privacy World.

Social Engineering Fundamentals, Part I: Hacker Tactics. Ethics, Espionage, and Covert Action. "Repugnant Philosophy": Ethics, Espionage, and Covert Action(1) by Dr. David L. Perry (Reprinted with permission from Journal of Conflict Studies, Spring 1995. There are great occasions in which some men are called to great services, in the doing of which they are excused from the common rule of morality. - Oliver Cromwell A real diplomat is one who can cut his neighbor's throat without having his neighbor notice it. - Trygve Lie Introduction The sources and methods of espionage, the goals and tactics of covert action, and the professional conduct of intelligence officers are matters typically hidden from public scrutiny, yet clearly worthy of public debate and philosophical attention.

This gap in the literature may be due in part to the lingering influence of the idea that ethical principles are not appropriate to apply to "statecraft" or international politics, as if doing so one makes a kind of "category mistake. " Moral conflict can arise in professional life as well as in private life. Spy & Counterspy. "...she's a flight risk." The Spy Who Billed Me. Seymour Hersh was likely counting on his reputation cutting through any obstacles that could prevent him from pulling off what is probably the last “blockbuster” of his career. And he did meet an obstacle: He is pretending to break a broken story—and he knows it. Tuesday evening on Democracy Now! Hersh tried to slide by my allegations of unethical behavior.[1] Hersh commented: … people were writing stories accusing me a [sic] plagiarism in the press in the last two days.

Setting aside the apparent assertion that 10,000 words make it okay to take credit for someone else’s story, “wacky stuff” in the referenced 2011 blog article included, among other points: The story of finding bin Laden was total fictionOBL was turned in by a walk-in informantThe Pakistani Intelligence Service -- ISI -- was sheltering bin LadenSaudi cash was financing the ISI operation keeping bin Laden captivePakistani generals Kiyani and Pasha were involved in the US operation that killed OBL In the Democracy Now! Special Advice For Activists And Dissidents. Knowing the special concerns and avoiding the special risks that apply to you If you are a political activist or dissident, don't expect that just crossing borders will somehow make you immune to the repressive antics of the Bush administration and the country's reactionary state security apparatus. It won't - I can vouch for that fact from personal experience.

If anything, it will actually increase the harassment and intimidation - the covert tentacles of Foggy Bottom truly stretch far and wide. What exile will do for you is make you less vulnerable to future repression that is coming within the U.S. - the gulag that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has begun to prepare for people the government doesn't like (currently being built under the name, "Operation Endgame"), and the increasingly brutal and intolerant behavior of the local police in the States, as well as the increasingly intolerant attitude of the American people themselves towards liberal politics.

The Ranger Digest-Outdoor Tips, Tricks, & Techniques for Cam. EQUIPPED TO SURVIVE - Outdoors Gear, Survival Equipment Review & Hostage: The Jill Carroll Story - Cryptome. Homeland Security: First Aid Check List. The Survival Kit or Bugout Bag. Assembling a basic first aid kit for home or travel. First Aid Kit. First aid kits can be bought ready made from a chemist or made up to your own personal specification. The components of a first aid kit are largely a matter of personal choice but the kit should contain items sufficient for the size of the party and appropriate to the activity undertaken. The list below is an example of a general first aid kit sufficient for a party of six persons. The list is by no means exhaustive but it gives an idea of the sort of things you may wish to include in your kit.

The contents of the kit should be kept in a suitable plastic container such as a large sandwich box with a tight fitting and secure lid. This makes the kit suitable for travelling. An excellent range of travel First Aid kits can be obtained on line from:- First Aid Kit Preparation : Article by Ron Fuerst, MD. Surgical Care at the District Hospital. NEEDLES Surgical needles are classified in three categories: Within these categories, there are hundreds of different types.

Use cutting needles on the skin, and for securing structures like drains. Use round bodied needles in fragile tissue, for example when performing an intestinal anastomosis. Do not use a cutting needle in this situation. Trochar needles have a sharp tip but a round body. They are useful when it is necessary to perforate tough tissue, but when cutting the tissue would be undesirable, as in the linea alba when closing the abdominal wall. Needles are attached to the suture commercially (sweged on: see Figure 4.5) or have eyes to pass the suture through (free needles). Techniques There are many ways to secure tissue during an operative procedure and to repair discontinuity in the skin: tape, glue, staples and suture.

Suturing techniques include: Use the minimal size and amount of suture material required to close the wound. Interrupted sutures Continuous/running sutures.