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Facebook Twitter YellowBridge Chinese-American Guide. Pride and Prejudice(Eng/Chi) 宮本武藏. Online English-Japanese dictionary. Said Hajji. September 2000. September 2000 Some Notes on Japanese Grammar Keith Smillie Deartment of Computing Science University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H1 This HTML has been created from an MS Word document with minimal hand-editing. Table of Contents No claim is made for either originality or completeness in these notes. Word Order Japanese is a Subject-Object-Verb language as compared with English which is a Subject-Verb-Object language. トラコはねこです。 Torako wa neko desu. トラコがねずみを見ました。 Torako ga nezumi o mimashita. A sentence is made into a question by placing the particle ka at the end. トラコがねずみを見ましたか。 Torako ga nezumi o mimashita ka. Nouns Japanese nouns do not have gender, they may not be modified by definite or indefinite articles because none exist in Japanese, and the singular and plural forms are usually the same.

Hon (本) book, books, a book, the book, the books For nouns referring to people, the suffix -tachi may be used to indicate the plural. 子供[こども] kodomo child, children 子供達[こどもたち] 田中さん達。 Japanese Language _____ かな の じんそく と きたない 日本語 めあて by Tad Perry (1992) html-lized version by John Teehan (1998) Kana version by Andy Searls (2000) The Quick and Dirty Guide to Japanese is a canonical classic of the Internet community. Posted years ago on the sci.lang.japan newsgroup, this guide appears in a multitude of pages written by folks such as myself, devoted to the learning of the Japanese language. John Teehan provided an HTML-ized version a couple years back, which I have included in my links, but the Japanese is all romanji.

Since you will rarely see romanji outside of textbooks, I decided to re-write the web page using kana. Since I am learning the language myself, there are quite possibly mistakes on this page. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you find one. Preface/Introduction Many students of Japanese just want to communicate. This is my reasoning on this: you can build a vocabulary of nouns, just by looking in a dictionary or asking a native speaker. Particles and Word Order Word Order "なんで? " Radical Index. Learn Japanese--北嶋千鶴子の日本語教室 Let's play in Japanese. Terms List - Overall (L - Z) Le Jargon Français v. 3.3.70.