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Pbx. Cancellation. Celso Martinho » VoIP ADSL SAPO/Telepac/Meo & Macs. Há já algum tempo que os clientes ADSL da PT são “brindados” com um número VoIP (ou numeração 30, se preferirem).

Celso Martinho » VoIP ADSL SAPO/Telepac/Meo & Macs

Na configuração mais típica o cliente tem tudo configurado no router em casa e só tem que ligar o velho telefone analógio na parte de trás para usufruir do novo número. Para os mais internautas o SAPO oferece aos utilizadores de windows um cliente de messaging que agrega IM e VoIP na mesma aplicação e aonde também podem utilizar o serviço no PC, é o SAPO Messenger. Para os geeks que gostam de sofrer e de experimentar umas coisas é possível utilizar um client de VoIP genérico com o nosso serviço, só precisam de saber alguns dados primeiro e basta fazer uma pesquisa para perceber quais são. A aplicação mais popular e mais completa (eu diria overkill) é o X-Lite (gratuita e multi-plataforma). Mas para Mac não havia realmente nada que me satisfizesse, nada que fosse realmente OSX-grade.

Depois, na janela principal vão à tab Network. That’s it. VoIP 3GNTW. TeamSpeak - Welcome to TeamSpeak. Other open source PBXs. There seems to be a constant debate about the value of moving to an open source PBX.

Other open source PBXs

Asterisk is the first one that comes to mind, but it is not the only one available. There are pros and cons relating to the open source debate; these were covered in the previous tip, "Open Source PBX: Risk or Value? " Asterisk is the best-known of the open source PBX offerings. Continuous development of the Asterisk code is provided by more than 400 community developers.

The latest releases are 1.2.18 and 1.4.4. Some of the limitations that Asterisk release 1.6 will address are: Issues with firewalls Security problems that are not well publicized V-mail must be resident on the same server as the call Call Detail Records (CDR) that have limited tracking for events Poor cluster support Failover support Limited call bridging Limited call capacity and performance Although I have cited Asterisk in relation to these problems, they also exist on other open source PBX platforms. Many open source platforms are available. Manipulating VoIP Security. This is the third of three tips that present tools for attacking VoIP security.

Manipulating VoIP Security

The previous two tips, members gain immediate and unlimited access breaking industry news, expert advice on UC, technical guides, and more -- all at no cost. Join me on today! And focused on tools for sniffing VoIP packet transmissions, changing the operation of the voice transmission and protocol attacks. This tip covers tools that can be used to create packet flooding and signaling manipulation. Any tools that attack an enterprise's security will probably cause damage to the operation of VoIP if the tools are used improperly. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, this list contains free tools.