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20 Invoicing Tools for Web Designers | Six Revisions. This post was written by Steven Snell of Vandelay Website Design. Every web designer has a need to create invoices and track payments that have been received or have not yet been paid. Fortunately, there are a number of tools that can streamline this process, and we’ll look at 20 options here. There is a good deal of variety in terms of features and pricing. Some are better suited for organizations that have several employees, while others may be a good fit for a freelancer. PayPal PayPal provides a simple invoicing system that will email your invoices to your clients. FreshBooks FreshBooks offers more functionality than many of the other choices. Billing Manager The makers of QuickBooks, Quicken and TurboTax also offer a free invoicing system called Billing Manager, which will help you to create and manage your invoices online.

Blinksale With Blinksale you can manage unlimited clients, but you are limited in the number of invoices you can send. LessAccounting PaySimple Invoice Place WORKetc. Substruct - Google Code. The Book Depository - Cheap books with free delivery worldwide !!! - freeware solutions - shopping cart, discussion board, content management system. Acts_as_money | At Collective Idea, we often try to take pieces of code that we use often and extract them into plugins. We’re trying to get better about making them available, so, here we go: acts_as_money is a fairly trivial plugin that has proved to be very useful. It just makes it a little easier to work with the money gem. class Product < ActiveRecord::Base money :priceend This assumes that there are 2 columns in the database, cents (integer) and currency (string).

These fields can be changed by setting the :cents and :currency options. Class Room < ActiveRecord::Base money :rate, :cents => :rate_in_cents, :currency => :rate_currency money :discount, :cents => :discount_in_cents, :currency => falseend acts_as_money also incorporates a patch to composed_of that I submitted to core that allows you to pass a String, Fixnum, Float or Money object as a parameter to the setter, and it will call #to_money to convert it to a Money object. Installation Hope you find this useful. Shopify — A shop in minutes, a business for life.