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Pivot. Excel: SumIf with Multiple Criteria. Excel Formulas & Functions. See Also: Custom Function For Multi-Condition Summing | Array Formulas | Count with multiple criteria | Conditional summing | Conditional date summing | Sum Every Nth Cell | Sum The x Largest or x Smallest Number in a Range | Count Only One Occurrence IF YOU ARE USING 2007 or above, USE SUMIFS. FREE EXCEL HELP There are many times that it become necessary to SUM cells based on multiple criteria. The examples below will show you 3 ways that this can be done.

However, often the most efficient method is to use a Pivot Table If you are not familiar with Pivot Tables, I cannot stress enough how much easier spreadsheet life becomes once you are! If you are not already aware, the Excel SUMIF formula/function can only check to see if specified cells meet one condition, e.g. SUMIF Syntax =SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range) =SUMIF(A1:A10,">20",B1:B10) Which would SUM all numeric cells in the range B1:B20 where the corresponding row in A1:A10 was greater than 20. =DSUM(DataTable,B2,Criteria) Vertex42 - Excel Templates, Calendars, Calculators and Spreadsheets. Spreadsheet. GALA: General Accounting as a Language API. Téléchargements. Dabble DB: A better web database to share, manage and explore your information.