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Beam.js - About. Zotonic, The Erlang CMS — Zotonic. The Definitive Guide. CouchDB: The CouchDB Project. Exploring CouchDB. What is CouchDB? CouchDB is an open source document-oriented database-management system, accessible using a RESTful JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) API. The term "Couch" is an acronym for "Cluster Of Unreliable Commodity Hardware," reflecting the goal of CouchDB being extremely scalable, offering high availability and reliability, even while running on hardware that is typically prone to failure. CouchDB was originally written in C++, but in April 2008, the project moved to the Erlang OTP platform for its emphasis on fault tolerance.

CouchDB can be installed on most POSIX systems, including Linux® and Mac OS X. CouchDB is a top-level Apache Software Foundation open source project, released under V2.0 of the Apache license. Back to top Differences between a document-oriented and a relational database A document-oriented database is, unsurprisingly, made up of a series of self-contained documents. Another difference between these types of databases is in the storage of unique identifiers. Apache CouchDB: The CouchDB Project. Ongoing · WF XI: Results. This is the eleventh progress re­port from the Wide Fin­der Pro­ject; I’ll use it as the re­sults ac­cu­mu­la­tor, up­dat­ing it in place even if I go on to write more on the sub­jec­t, which seems very like­ly.

[Up­date: Your new lead­er: Per­l.] The Name · There’ve been a few posts won­der­ing about the name “Wide Finder”. The orig­i­nal Ru­by code came from my Beau­ti­ful Code chap­ter called “Finding Things”; thus it was a Fin­der. The prob­lem with mod­ern CPUs is that they’re get­ting wider not faster. Thus, I seek a Wide Fin­der Worth Do­ing · There is a steady drum­beat of com­men­tary along the lines of “WTF?

The Lat­est · [2007/11/19]: After a week or so of­f, I’m back to run­ning Wide Fin­der code. The good news is that it’s in­sane­ly fast; the bad news is that I had to vis­it CPAN to get Sys::Mmap, and CPAN hates me. I al­so ran Dave Thomas’ memory-mapped code. This is a pro­duc­tion T5120 with eight cores each at 1.4GHz and 64G of RAM. Anal­y­sis · Are you kid­ding me!?!?