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Ir. Wiimote. Feedbooks: Food for the mind. Windows Server 2003 ADSI Edit - Download explore Active Directory examples. ADSI Edit (Active Directory Services Interface) is the best Windows 2003 Server tool for combining learning with troubleshooting. The number of configuration tasks that require ADSI Edit is on the increase; therefore take the time to install ADSI Edit and explore Active Directory's properties and values.

Incidentally, some call this Microsoft utility adsiedit. In your Windows Active Directory career you will find dozens of occasions where the only cure to your problem is editing the Domain or Configuration partition with ADSI Edit. On this page, it is not my intention to cure a specific Windows Server 2003 problem, I merely chose the examples to give you a good grounding in the utility. Tutorial Topics for ADSI Edit Examples of ADSI Edit VBScript - Researching the LDAP properties of user objects. Guy Recommends: Permissions Analyzer - Free Active Directory Tool I like the Permissions Monitor because it enables me to see quickly WHO has permissions to do WHAT. Here are my mistakes: Good News. Sutus. Office Appliance. BareMetal: the web-hosting specialists; Feature: Host Your Domain with Free Apps.