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Augeas — Main. How To Install Alfresco Community 3.3 On Ubuntu Server 10.04 (Lucid Lynx. This guide explains how to install Alfresco Community 3.3 on Ubuntu Server 10.04 (Lucid Lynx). From Alfresco wiki: Alfresco is the Open Source Alternative for Enterprise Content Management (ECM), providing Document Management, Collaboration, Records Management, Knowledge Management, Web Content Management and Imaging. 1. Installing Ubuntu Server 10.04 You'll need a fresh installation of Ubuntu Server 10.04. 2. You need to enable 'partner' repository in /etc/apt/sources.list. 3. As root run the following command to install the required packages: root@dms:~# apt-get install mysql-server sun-java6-jdk imagemagick swftools 4.

Edit /etc/environment and add the following to it: JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/" After saving the file, it's recommended that you logout and then login again so bash will read the JAVA_HOME variable. Root@dms:~# source /etc/environment 5. Restart mysql: 6. 1. PIKT System Monitoring, Configuration Management Software. Chef - Opscode. Cfengine. Ailurus - Project Hosting on Google Code. Reductive Labs — the team behind Puppet, the open source leader in data center automation.

Puppet « reductive. Puppet - Trac. Configatron. Turn Your Ubuntu Hardy to Mac OSX Leopard. Transforming your Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop to look like Mac OS X. | community for sharing dotfiles like .vimrc and .bash_profile.