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Spaz: A Twitter, and StatusNet client for Palm® Pre™, Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. TOKI WOKI. Boks–A Visual Grid Editor. Take Your CSS to the Desktop with Adobe AIR! [Adobe AIR Tutorials] So, I’ve been issued a challenge at SitePoint to develop a piece of software in order to write an article about the experience. I can honestly say it’s so far been a real revalation – an experience that has made me betray all my deeply held web standards principles. Did I forget all about semantic markup? Yes. Did I completely ignore cross-browser compatibility? Yes. Did I even consider using HTML tables for layout? I built a desktop application with Adobe AIR … and I liked it! Yep, using free software and HTML, CSS, and jQuery, I made my own cross-platform desktop application using Adobe AIR. The challenge was to build a useful application (rather than another to-do list, thankfully) to make use of the new web site – it’s a marketplace for buying and selling web sites.

And, I want to call it Harpoon. Development Environment There is an application.xml configuration file but you can rely on Aptana to do that for you. Window Layout Here’s my amateur effort: Here's the CSS: if(! AlertThingy - Your social deskop! Feedalizr - Twitter, Facebook Adobe® AIR™ Application (also supports FriendFeed, Flickr, Twitpic)