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Does Your Branded Franchise Need Its Own Social Media Strategy? Taylor Hulyk is the social media director at re:group, a marketing agency in downtown Ann Arbor, Mich.

Does Your Branded Franchise Need Its Own Social Media Strategy?

You can follow her on Twitter @taylorhulyk. While social media can perplex a single business unit, imagine the challenges and multidimensional complications that can arise when a franchisor decides to incorporate social media into his or her integrated communications plan. Social media does not dictate an entire marketing program, but it must be approached with the same level of attention and definition as the rest of its marketing counterparts. When considering social media within the bounds of franchising, the questions of how one designs, develops, executes and measures the program multiply tenfold. The franchisor, unlike other business owners, has to be concerned with the performance of several franchisees as the continuous extension of his or her brand. It all comes down to structure. 1. 2. Social Media Employee Policy Examples from Over 100 Organizations. Online Database of Social Media Policies. Social Media Training Classes, Corporate Social Media Marketing Training.

10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy. Sharlyn Lauby is the president of Internal Talent Management (ITM) which specializes in employee training and human resources consulting.

10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy

She authors a blog at A few weeks ago, I wrote that your organization should have a social media policy, and one of the things I heard among all the great comments was: "Okay, but what should it say? " There are generally two approaches to social media policy making. Some organizations handle social media in an evolutionary way. Chad Houghton, the director of e-media and business development at the Society for Human Resource Management, told me that he thinks, “it might be beneficial not to create some arbitrary rules without first seeing where the opportunities and risks really are.”

Other organizations, meanwhile, feel more comfortable establishing a clear policy from the outset. 1. All policies need to address what's in it for the reader/user — what should the reader take away after reading the policy? 2. 3. 4. 5. How to Create a Corporate Social Media Policy. Update: Interested in creating a social media policy for your workplace?

How to Create a Corporate Social Media Policy

Request a free consultation to get started. Demystifying Social Media for Franchises. When franchises dive into social media, they’ll wrestle with questions that affect franchisor and franchisees alike.

Demystifying Social Media for Franchises

Here are answers to several questions franchises encounter as they embrace social media. Who will be responsible for monitoring the social web, the franchisor or the franchisees? The answer depends on several factors: What is the goal of your monitoring program? How much autonomy do franchisees have? Are you only monitoring brand mentions, or do you monitor relevant keyword conversations? In most cases, I believe corporate should run point. Smart companies monitor conversations on topics of interest to customers, too, not just brand mentions. Build free custom Facebook Tabs, Pages, apps and contests. Virtual Social Media. Social Media Firm Pricing. What Makes WebpageFX an Authority on Social Media Pricing?

Social Media Firm Pricing

Our expert Internet Marketing team has a combined experience of more than 35 years. Rankings of Best Social Media Marketing Services, Companies, Agencies, Firms. Social Media Optimization Service for Small Business. Is Social Media on the Rise in South East Asia? My feeling is a definite yes.

Is Social Media on the Rise in South East Asia?

Certainly for personal use on platforms such as Facebook, and to a lesser degree Twitter. Businesses are also beginning to include social media channels into their corporate strategies, albeit with much more trepidation. In a post by, Luke Richards talks about how it seems social media in business is finally being acknowledged, and by some even embraced, in South East Asia. A comprehensive report by Burson-Marsteller’s Asia-Pacific digital team concludes that 31% of Asia’s leading companies are currently active on at least three social channels.

This is a massive swing from the 3% reported in 2010. Although from personal experience I haven’t seen many companies diving into the social media arena, a friend of mine recently contacted Air Asia when they announced they were cancelling their routes to Europe and India by email and twitter. Digital Marketing in South East Asia What this means to me The design work will come in time. Related posts:

Outsourced social media management, consulting, blog/website creation, and online marketing strategy. Why You Should Outsource Your Social Media Marketing… By outsourcing your social media management and strategy, you gain the expertise of skilled professionals.

Outsourced social media management, consulting, blog/website creation, and online marketing strategy.

Our specialists are accomplished at creating strategies to engage your clients, as well as potential new customers, while monitoring what is being said about your business across the internet. Outsourcing your social media marketing efforts saves money by eliminating the costs of hiring and training a new team member, the payroll and associated costs, and redirecting less productive marketing expenses. At the same time, you will be gaining a valuable partner that will work closely with your organization to ensure that all messaging is unified, and that your social strategy compliments your offline marketing efforts. Traditional methods of marketing are getting more expensive, while their effectiveness is decreasing. You Shouldn’t Do It Alone!