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[Data/interactif] Projets intéressants (12-17 Janvier)

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L'importance des genres musicaux par période. The Internet map. 40 cartes pour comprendre le Monde. Maps seemed to be everywhere in 2013, a trend I like to think we encouraged along with August's 40 maps that explain the world. Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. You might consider this, then, a collection of maps meant to inspire your inner map nerd. I've searched far and wide for maps that can reveal and surprise and inform in ways that the daily headlines might not, with a careful eye for sourcing and detail. I've included a link for more information on just about every one. 1. Data source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, World Bank. Those dots represent people: the brighter the dot, the more people. 2.

Click to enlarge. Human beings first left Africa about 60,000 years ago in a series of waves that peopled the globe. 3. (Wikimedia commons) The Mongol conquests are difficult to fathom. 4. Click to enlarge. This map shows the Spanish and Portuguese empires at their height. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Le prix Nobel de la paix : une récompense inégale ? | Studio V2, apps et dataviz. Qui contrôle les villes aux USA ? - NYTimes. Les endroits les plus photographiés au Monde en une heatmap... Terrorist attacks in Russia since 1991. European word translator | UK Data Explorer. Enter one or two lower-case English words to see translations from Google Translate. Examples: banana the cat she runs Random words: agreement ease A few things to keep in mind: Translations are generated by Google Translate.

Some may be inaccurate or use non-European (e.g. Brazilian Portuguese) words. Just one translation is provided for each word; watch out for words with multiple meanings! Quelle voiture pour demain ? Belle infographie interactive sur @ARTEfr. L'immigration de ville en ville aux USA via D3.js. Approximately 7.1 million Americans moved to another state in 2012. That’s over 2.2% of the U.S. population. The United States has a long history of people picking up and moving their families to other parts of the country, in search of better livelihoods. That same spirit of mobility, a willingness to uproot oneself, seems alive and well today based on the visualization of migration patterns above. The visualization is a circle cut up into arcs, the light-colored pieces along the edge of the circle, each one representing a state. I saw a few interesting things in this graphic: First, there are more people leaving California than there are arriving there. 566,986 people left the Golden State in 2012, for states like Texas, Nevada, Washington, and Arizona, presumably for the lower cost of living.New York also shows more people leaving than arriving.

Comment remporter un Oscar ? We’ve been through hell and high water to bring you the best and brightest of the data viz world in 2013 for the Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards. Many hours of cogitation, digestion and deliberation have been spent and now here they are, all of our glorious winners on one uber-long scrolling page. Congratulations to all our winners. Now sit back and marvel! Data Visualization Gold Nobels, no degreesGiorgia Lupi, Simone Quadri, Gabriele Rossi, Davide Ciuffi, Federica Fragapane, Francesco Majno Giorgia Lupi, Simone Quadri, Gabriele Rossi, Davide Ciuffi, Federica Fragapane, Francesco Majno This visualization explores the story of Nobel prizes through years.Visualized for each laureate are prize category, year the prize was awarded, and age of the recipient at the time, as well as principal academic affiliations and hometown.

Silver How to win an OscarChristian Tate Christian Tate Bronze emoto InstallationMoritz Stefaner, Drew Hemment, Studio NAND. Industrie automobile : qui est allié à qui ? Le Ballon d'or en trois graphiques. Les aides aux Philippines en une infographie.

