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How to Setup network on centos 7. After installing Centos 7, You may not able to connect network in that machine. This will happen because Ethernet interfaces are not enabled by default.This guide will help you to setup network on centos 7 . This guide contains network configuration steps both in GUI and command mode. Setup network on centos 7 let’s start, Type “nmcli d” command in your terminal for quick identification of Ethernet cards installed in your machine. Here we have 2 interfaces named “enp0s17” and “enp0s18” . it might be different in your case ( Eg: em1 or p4p1 ).

GUI Mode Recommended for beginners Step 1 » Type this command “nmtui” to open Network manager and press enter after choosing ” Edit a connection” ( Use TAB for choosing options ) . Step 2 » Now you can see all network interfaces, choose one and click “Edit“. » DHCP configuration Step 3 » For DHCP, 1. Now Restart network service by typing below command. systemctl restart network Now your server will get IP Address from DHCP . » Static configuration. How To Use the GitLab One-Click Install Image to Manage Git Repositories.

Introduction Collaborating on projects, keeping track of source changes, and maintaining a clean code repository are some great reasons to use a version control system. Version control is now considered an essential tool in software development. Git is the most popular distributed version control system. GitLab is a git repository management server that can be used to host repositories and set up control structures for git within a clean web interface. It is built on Ruby on Rails. DigitalOcean has created a GitLab application image that can be used to instantly deploy GitLab on a DigitalOcean droplet using their Omnibus installer. Step One –– Create a GitLab Droplet Before you begin using GitLab, you need to spin up a DigitalOcean droplet using the provided image.

From the Control Panel, click on the "Create" button that is visible from any page: Choose a name, the droplet size, and the region you would like to use. Scroll down the page. Your GitLab droplet will be created! Conclusion. Vagrant with VirtualBox on Windows10: "Rsync" could not be found on your PATH. About_Execution_Policies. Les stratégies d’exécution Windows PowerShell vous permettent de déterminer les conditions dans lesquelles Windows PowerShell charge les fichiers de configuration et exécute les scripts. Vous pouvez définir une stratégie d’exécution pour l’ordinateur local, pour l’utilisateur actuel ou pour une session particulière.

Vous pouvez également utiliser un paramètre de stratégie de groupe pour définir la stratégie d’exécution pour les utilisateurs et ordinateurs. Les stratégies d’exécution pour l’ordinateur local et l’utilisateur actuel sont stockées dans le Registre. Il est inutile de définir des stratégies d’exécution dans votre profil Windows PowerShell. La stratégie d’exécution pour une session particulière est stockée uniquement dans la mémoire et est perdue quand la session est fermée.

La stratégie d’exécution n’est pas un système de sécurité qui limite les actions de l’utilisateur. Les stratégies d’exécution Windows PowerShell sont les suivantes : - Les scripts peuvent s’exécuter. Exemple : Watch Twitch Without Flash On Your Desktop With GNOME Twitch : linux. Configuring SELinux Policies for Apache Web Servers - Serverlab. Shane Rainville I.T. professional with over a decade of experience, ranging from application development to system & infrastructure administration.

He's worked with small startups to large corporate companies, using unique and creative solutions to solve problems. Overview SELinux can be very troublesome when deploying web applications on Red Hat while not using the default Apache directories, for either content or logs. Your application may need to be installed in a separate directory or maybe, for other reasons, you want to place your content somewhere else.

Instead of disabling SELinux, which you should never do, though many do, you should instead create custom policies that apply the proper SELinux context types to your directories and files. Challenges Application must reside outside of the default Apache directory (/var/www/html).SELinux blocks Apache from loading content outside of default directories.Some files require for the application read and write access. Expectations. Configuring SELinux Policies for Apache Web Servers - Serverlab. Setting up gitlab with free SSL-Certs from Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 14.04.