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Algorithms Repository. Topics : Analysis of Algorithms: Recent Articles on Analysis of AlgorithmsQuiz on Analysis of AlgorithmsQuiz on Recurrences Searching and Sorting: Recent Articles on SearchingRecent Articles on SortingQuiz on SearchingQuiz on SortingCoding Practice on SearchingCoding Practice on Sorting Greedy Algorithms: Recent Articles on Greedy AlgorithmsQuiz on Greedy AlgorithmsCoding Practice on Greedy Algorithms Dynamic Programming: Recent Articles on Dynamic ProgrammingQuiz on Dynamic ProgrammingCoding Practice on Dynamic Programing Pattern Searching: Recent Articles on Pattern Searching Other String Algorithms: Recent Articles on StringsCoding practice on Strings Backtracking: Recent Articles on BacktrackingCoding Practice on Backtracking Divide and Conquer: Recent Articles on Divide and ConquerQuiz on Divide and ConquerCoding practice on Divide and Conquer.

Business Help - Study Documents, Flashcards and Tutors - Course Hero. New Tab. Course Information and Announcements Instructor: Jaehyun ParkStanford ACM-ICPC Coaches: Jaehyun Park, Andy Nguyen, Jerry Cain(Added on 8/21/2013) This class was taught in 2011-12 Winter.

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I'm getting a lot of emails asking if I'm teaching it again, but there is no plan to offer the course at the moment. Lecture slides Practice Problems All the problems below are from Peking Online Judge (POJ). Problems are classified into 10 different categories, and the lectures will cover essential algorithms and theoretical background for each particular category. The numbers in parentheses represent the difficulty of the problems (0: easiest, 10: hardest).

Common coding mistakes Not initializing variablesUsing 32-bit integers instead of 64-bit onesUsing out-of-bound array indicesUsing a semicolon after a for loop for(i = 0; i < n; i++); some code Reusing the same variable in nested for loops for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) some code #define min(a, b) a<b?

Writing cos(180) instead of cos(pi) Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) Algorithms - Misc - 01 - Recursion (Arabic) What are the very basic algorithms that every Computer Science student must be aware of? Algorithm Tutorials. Sorting By timmacTopCoder Member Introduction Any number of practical applications in computing require things to be in order.

Algorithm Tutorials

Even before we start computing, the importance of sorting is drilled into us. From group pictures that require the tallest people to stand in the back, to the highest grossing salesman getting the largest Christmas bonus, the need to put things smallest to largest or first to last cannot be underestimated. When we query a database, and append an ORDER BY clause, we are sorting. General Considerations Imagine taking a group of people, giving them each a deck of cards that has been shuffled, and requesting that they sort the cards in ascending rank order.

When comparing various sorting algorithms, there are several things to consider. A second consideration is memory space. A third consideration is stability. Bubble Sort One of the first sorting algorithms that is taught to students is bubble sort. Merge Sort A merge sort works recursively.