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Single Sign-On with SAML on Abstract With the proliferation of SaaS and other web-based applications, identity management is becoming a major concern for businesses. Just think about the number of usernames and password you regularly type each day. You probably log into your company's network, portal, webmail, benefits system, Google Apps, bespoke applications and of course applications. Now multiply this by the number of users in your company and think about the support and security implications. You need dedicated resources to manage your identity store, respond to password reset requests, provision new users for each system and deactivate users that no longer need access. Just think of the number of man hours you could save if you could eliminate 25-50% of your passwords and their associated costs!

Implementing a Single Sign-On (SSO) infrastructure enables users to sign in once and have access to all authorized resources. Benefits of Implementing SSO Options for Implementing SSO on Summary. NSA-proof your e-mail in 2 hours. You may be concerned that the NSA is reading your e-mail. Is there really anything you can do about it though? After all, you don’t really want to move off of GMail / Google Apps.

And no place you would host is any better. Except, you know, hosting it yourself. The way that e-mail was originally designed to work. We’ve all just forgotten because, you know, webapps-n-stuff. It’s a lot of work, mkay, and I’m a lazy software developer. Today we kill your excuses. Now fair warning: it took me about two days to figure the stuff out you’re going to see in this blogpost, starting from knowing basically nothing about modern e-mail servers. So bookmark this blog post, block off a Saturday next month, and get it done. Edit Some people are complaining that the NSA is pulling all the e-mail over the wire anyway, so encrypting your own server is stupid.

In the next two hours, we’re going to fix this. I’m going to assume: You’re running Debian WheezyYou know your way around Linux more or less. OpSec. DEMETOLE-TICS: Cuadros de Mando Pentaho. Con la ultima versión estable de la plataforma BI descargada de la web de Pentaho (la 3.5.2), y siguiendo las instrucciones de Prashant Raju para esta versión en la plataforma Windows utilizando MySql, realizamos la instalación y configuración de nuestro sistema realizando los siguientes pasos:1) Requisitos previos: maquina virtual Java y la base de datos MySQL (u otra de las soportadas).

Para poder ejecutar la plataforma de BI de Pentaho es necesario disponer de una máquina virtual Java instalada en el equipo donde vamos a trabajar. Pentaho recomienda la versión 1.5 de Sun JRE. Con versiones anteriores no funciona y la 1.6 no esta oficialmente soportada (es la que tengo instalada yo), aunque si funciona. Para ver la versión instalada, ejecutaremos el comando: java -version. En el caso de no disponer de la máquina, podemos descargarla en la web de Sun.

A continuación comprobaremos que la variable de entorno JAVA_HOME apunte al directorio donde tenemos instalado Java. Bonitasoft | Open Source Workflow & BPM software. Skin Pack.

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