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Penumbra9 on Facebook. CoolBook on Facebook. Nothing | Nothing on Facebook. Nothingness. First published Thu Aug 28, 2003; substantive revision Wed Nov 28, 2012 Since metaphysics is the study of what exists, one might expect metaphysicians to have little to say about the limit case in which nothing exists. But ever since Parmenides in the fifth century BCE, there has been rich commentary on whether an empty world is possible, whether there are vacuums, and about the nature of privations and negation. This survey starts with nothingness at a global scale and then explores local pockets of nothingness.

Let's begin with a question that Martin Heidegger famously characterized as the most fundamental issue of philosophy. 1. Well, why not? Is there any a priori support for ‘There is nothing’? St. Most contemporary philosophers feel entitled to postulate whatever entities are indispensable to their best explanations of well accepted phenomena. In Les Misérables, Victor Hugo contrasts universal negation with universal affirmation: Is this statistical explanation scientific? 2. 3. 4. Jacks Files on Facebook. Jacks Pics on Facebook. Speed of Dark on Facebook. Httpwww on Facebook. Featured Music | Brillig & The Slithy Toves on Facebook. FuqNut on Facebook. Cargo Largo on Facebook.! on Facebook. Recovery Management Corporation on Facebook.