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Image Result for. Art, Inspiration, Beautiful on Pinterest. HEDRON coffee table by Benjamin Migliore. The coffee table was designed with 2 different connecting pieces, that compose a aesthetic structure. The parts can be assembled and disassemble easily. Designed by Benjamin Migliore. HEDRON-coffee-table-by-Benjamin-Migliore-05.jpg (720×480) Metal inflatable furniture details | Muebles. // yoshinobu miyamoto | Passion...Design. Polycarbonate chair zidle polykarbonat | Design. Isom Tables by Sebastian Scherer | Furniture & Seating. Pin by Jawad Ansari on Furniture. Furniture designs using cable ties. | DETAIL daily. Table and chairs Anthony Hartley is a designer / maker of furniture with an eye for innovation and detail.

The family of furniture featured here is known as “Cable”. The name comes from the cable ties that are used to stitch the components of each piece together. Using cable ties in this way means that the furniture items can be shipped flat-packed and can be easily assembled into a rigid furniture piece by practically anybody. You do not need for tools, or for that matter, DIY knowledge! The furniture can be disassembled just as easily, and for people that are easily bored, components can be swapped around to create new colour combinations. I will do another post on some interesting work from Anthony Hartley in the near future. EcoSystems - Snug-it. Leibal_tre_ashizawa_3 | Wood. _storablecoat_vanderbeke_5.png (602×905) Nicola-tests.jpg (468×352) Cord and wood furniture | furniture. HORIZON | 新視野 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 今年的英國皇家藝術學院的畢業展,由畢業生Nicola Zocca所設計的一系列家具作品稱為『Shrink』,其系列特殊之處在於每件木製家具的接合處皆是用熱縮管這種電子工程材料所固定的。 熱縮管原是應用於一般保護電子管線之用,特點在於加熱之後其直徑會縮小3至6倍之多,並在冷卻之後硬化產生保護管線的作用,因而被廣泛應用於電子及航太工程,而Nicola Zocca便善用熱縮管的材料特性,將這個技術異用於木製家具的接合處,做為固定強化之用,這種將工程材料與傳統木工的結合應用,非常地有新意。

Posted by lifehorizon at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(2) 引用(0) 人氣(319) 從美國前副總統高爾的”不願面對的真相”記錄片開始,一波波的環境意識問題與相關的運動逐漸展開,很多環境問題的根本原因在於現我們今高度經濟發展的資本社會型態,在追求低成本與高獲利為前提的經濟體制下,衝擊的不只是貧富懸殊加劇,還有無法逆轉的環境惡化問題。 Posted by lifehorizon at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(160) Stomacher - Untitled/Dark Divider from Stomacher on Vimeo. 每次聽到好聽到會勾魂的音樂時,都會不由自主地一放再放,Stomacher的單曲Dark Divider不但音樂非常繞樑,連MV都美得讓人感動起疙瘩。 Posted by lifehorizon at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(88) 近年內有一種傳染病逐漸地在在全球大眾運輸系統上擴張蔓延,感染者皆會不停地將手指觸摸在一個裝置上,或是眼睛直瞪瞪地盯著那個裝置至少十來分鐘,沒錯! 對~一天到晚聽到身邊的朋友同事說要換iPhone,但不知為何? Posted by lifehorizon at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(1) 引用(0) 人氣(565) Dyson是英國知名的高效吸塵器的專業品牌,旗下的吸塵器產品款款皆是結合了傑出的工程創新與優異的人因設計美學,MOMA也典藏了多款Dyson的吸塵器。 -高塔式 AM02 Tower Fan Posted by lifehorizon at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(2) 引用(0) 人氣(1292) 可曾試想過如何能不用一張椅子而能舒服地坐著呢?

Fancy a Joint?: innovative joinery in new furniture design. Fancy a Joint?: innovative joinery in new furniture design | News. There was a time when virtuosity in furniture design reigned supreme. In the history of cabinet-making and working in wood generally, an object's value has often been determined by, among other things, the way its constituent elements have come together. The more integrated and streamlined the joint – for example, the traditional dovetail joint – the greater the perceived level of workmanship. It was all about seamless unity. 'Workshop Chair' by Jerszy Seymour, which uses polycaprolactone wax to join the piece's various components together Modernism of the early 20th century, with its promotion of machine production, dispensed with the idea that furniture should hide the workings of its construction.

A number of designers have, of late, been exploring innovative ways of building furniture, some of which make as much of technical statement as they do an aesthetic statement. The literally titled 'Elastic Wood' chair by Gil Sheffi, one third of Tel Aviv-based design collective Bakery. Atelier Takagi. The new work by Jonah Takagi presented in Milan at Salone Satellite and in New York during ICFF. design by Jonah Takagi New Basics Jonah Takagi 2011 New Basics are a collection of flat pack tables that apply a simple and graphic language to a system of legs, hardware and surfaces. The collection features recycled honeycomb tops with a durable HPL finish, laser cut and powdercoated steel hardware and legs made of FSC Certified Ash. The New Basics pack flat for shipping. Range Life Design: Jonah Takagi 2011 The Range Life* table for Matter is the first in a series of furniture objects inspired by architectural models and is an exercise in composition. Furniture becomes monumental when viewed from a child’s vantage point and fond memories of playing under coffee tables provided a point of departure for the Range Life series. * Pavement.

“Range Life” Crooked Rain Crooked Rain 1994. Ceramic furniture connectors | accesorios. Muller Van Severen | Furniture. Pin by what wilson wants... on + Detail (AMAZING) Colored joints | Wood.