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Craft. CMS Templates & Themes. Home - Unite CMS. Landing pages module for Magento - Yoast - Tweaking Websites. One of the most powerful features of Magento is it flexibility. With the CMS functionality you are able to create very SEO friendly static pages in an easy way. There’s one issue though: by default Magento lacks a good way of including a group of products on a page if they are not all products from one single category. You can include some dynamic content, e.g. all products from one category. Just add the following block to your CMS page to show all products from the category with ID 8 on a static landing page: Now wouldn’t it be great if you could also filter the products on attribute value?

For instance to show all black cell phones on a static page? Well, now you can! Go to your newly created CMS page and you will see a page with all black cell phones. Example of the Magento Landing Pages module, click for larger version. Dynamic attribute filter pages As you can see the url start with /f for calling the module name, /color is the attribute name and /24 is the value of the attribute. Customize WordPress Themes Live | CSS Hero. Free Website Builder | Creating a Free Website | IM Creator. Siteleaf. WPShower - Free & Premium WordPress Themes. MyThemeShop: Premium WordPress Themes. Tiendas online | Fik Stores. WPShower - Free & Premium WordPress Themes.

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