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9 Ways to Make Your Marketing Analytics Actionable. Tracking your marketing analytics can provide a ton of great insight into the performance of your marketing initiatives, show your boss how marketing is faring, and help you to prove that inbound marketing is really paying off. But that's only a small piece of why analytics are valuable. In fact, the true value of your analytics is what you can do with them.

Good marketers use analytics for the first few things we mentioned. Great marketers use them to adapt, improve, and modify their marketing efforts . In other words, great marketers make their analytics actionable. Oh, so you want to be one of those great marketers? Use Your Analytics To... 1) ... Use your blog analytics to determine which topics resonate with your target audience. Adapt your strategy to create more content about the topics your marketing personas care about, and less about the topics that don't resonate. 2) ... You can also use this data to identify holes in your content creation strategy . 3) ... 4) ...

The Laws Marketers Need to Know to Avoid Legal Backlash. Law has been all over the marketing news lately.

The Laws Marketers Need to Know to Avoid Legal Backlash

First, there was all the SOPA/PIPA drama . And you might have also noticed that privacy has been quite a hot button issue recently, with the launch of Google's new one-size-fits-all privacy policy as well as the latest debacle with the up and coming (or maybe not?) Social network, Path . With so much talk about laws governing the internet, as a marketer, you may be wondering how it could affect the way you do your job. So if you want to make sure you're not being a marketing outlaw, here's what you need to know to comply with the major laws that apply to marketers so you don't end up with a lawsuit, or worse. 1. How to Abide: Avoid using misleading, deceptive, or falsified information in your “From,” “To,” “Reply-To,” subject line, and routing information . 2.

You've probably heard of the National Do Not Call Registry , which allows U.S. consumers to limit the telemarketing calls they receive. The 7 Slides You Need for an Epic Monthly Marketing Report. Here's a challenge for all you marketers who are on top of your game: How do you make sure your marketing team is taken seriously within your own company?

The 7 Slides You Need for an Epic Monthly Marketing Report

One important step you should take is publishing a thorough, thoughtful, quantitative monthly report on your marketing team's impact. For as long as there’s been marketing, marketers have struggled to show their impact. But today, there's no need to struggle. Today, it's simple to collect the data you need to show how your marketing investments are generating revenue for your business. You just have to pull together the right reports. At HubSpot, our marketing team creates a deck of over 200 slides each month to cover every last marketing detail. So here are some of the core slides we use to report on our results. 1. This is your measure of the top of your funnel. 2. This is your measure of your middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) activity. 6 Different Emails Every Marketer Should Consider Sending. Whether you're just starting out with email marketing or you already have some experience sending marketing emails, you've probably wondered about the types of email communication you can send to your database.

6 Different Emails Every Marketer Should Consider Sending

Should you nurture your subscribers with weekly newsletters? Are dedicated sends better at optimizing your sales and marketing funnel? What about email digests? These are all valid questions that marketing professionals should consider when selecting the right format to meet their email marketing goals . So which types of emails should you be sending? When deciding whether you should use email newsletters in your marketing strategy, you first need to determine your goal. Email newsletters are characterized by three key advantages . Email newsletters are also characterized by some important disadvantages . Digests are generally easier to consume than newsletters because they generally consist of links and lists. Dedicated email sends have three main advantages .

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