G-Pur, made by G-Science, is the world’s purest form of zeolite powder. Zeolite supplement helps to get rid of digestive toxins in the body such as mycotoxins, heavy metals, and cholesterol. G-Science sells 2 box sizes of their zeolite powder. Website:
Zeolite for Personal Hygiene: Useful Zeolite Applications for Skin and Body by G-Science Inc. How does Zeolite safely cleans and removes potentially dangerous compounds from your eatables? In many parts of the world food security is being affected due to declining quality and quantity of the soil resource base and climate change.
In this context, Zeolite has drawn attention. Zeolite is a volcanic material that can profoundly transform your health. Use of zeolite has gained momentum in the recent past owning to the multitude of benefits accrued from them. Zeolite is the only substance that can effectively clean a wide range of toxins. As far as other things go, it is a game changer. Why is cleaning with zeolite essential? Toxins are present everywhere, from the air you breathe to the food you eat. No matter how many times you manage to eliminate a toxic from your life, another seems to pop up in its place.
Food (pesticides, herbicides, chemical additives)The air you breathe (pollutants)Water (a common source of heavy metals) The problem is, since there are many ways that you can get exposed to toxins, they build up in the body over time. Zeolite as Dietary Supplement: An Insight into Production of Zeolite – G-Science Inc. An Insight into Zeolite as Dietary Supplement for Personal Health Care. Zeolites are all rage nowadays, and truly so because of their wondrous properties.
It is not like zeolites are a new discovery; the earliest zeolites were discovered over a century ago. It is only recently that the health benefits of zeolites were greatly apparent, something which wasn’t researched back in those days due to lack of proper equipment. An Insight into the Main Properties of Zeolite That Make Them Great Cleaning Agents – G-Science Inc. The words ‘zeolite’ and ‘clean’ always go side by side, when we take a look at its many applications, both industrial and personal.
The unique structure of zeolite is the key that gives zeolite its almost magical properties; it is unlike most other cleaning agents that require external assistance or pairing to be able to effective clean. Zeolites have some major properties that define their special characteristics, such as: Adsorption Adsorption is the process of attracting atoms, ions or molecules to a surface so that they stick to the said surface. The medium may be solid, liquid or gaseous items; what gets adsorbed by zeolites vary but the main process remains the same. Catalysis Catalysis is the process of speeding up a chemical reaction by using a catalyst. Ion Exchange Ion exchange is the process of replacing one or more ions from a molecule with different ions. Mycotoxin Avoidance to Obtain Maximum Health. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations estimates that each year mycotoxins contaminate approximately 25% of the world’s crops[1].
The National Survey of Lead & Allergens in Housing (NSLAH) estimates that nearly 25% of U.S. homes have mold or moisture problems. Mycotoxin exposure impedes optimal health, especially brain health[2] so every effort must be made to minimize the exposure or eliminate it when possible. Minimizing mycotoxin exposure requires a world-wide effort [3]. The expense can be staggering and there is research that indicates global warming will increase mycotoxin production[3]. Countries, businesses, organizations and citizens need to cooperate to ensure safe growing, handling and testing food and feeds all over the world. An Insight into the Wonderous Material Called ‘Zeolite’ and its Applications. Introduction Zeolites are well-known among the general public as an important anti-toxin that is a core component of many modern skin care products, such as zeolite face mask, zeolite clay powder, zeolite face wash among many others.
The main benefits of zeolites are many, but we shall start our analysis on zeolite from the very beginning; its origins. Formation of Zeolites Zeolite is formed when volcanic by products such as ashes that come out to the environment due to volcanic eruptions mix with sea water salts. These compounds are then processed naturally for many years, ranging from hundreds to thousands of years depending on the environment, and the end product is zeolite. Key Uses of Zeolite Powder as Personal Healthcare Product – G-Science Inc. All of us who know the health benefits of zeolite fancy it as a highly capable health supplement that can help our body get rid of toxins and heavy metals, while bringing in a few other health benefits.
Usually consumed with water, zeolite powder is the quintessential health supplement that we should definitely take occasionally. But recent advancements into zeolite applications have further broadened the applications of zeolite powder, and recently, it was found to be a great cosmetic item to make products such as zeolite face wash or zeolite powder for skin. But before we divulge into all these details, we shall start by analyzing how exactly do zeolites work. What Is Zeolite Powder And How Are They Obtained? by G-Science Inc. Widespread Zeolite Benefits And Their Application In Different Usage Scenarios – G-Science Inc. Blog. Read more about how a healthier lifestyle with G-PUR® can help you live your best life.
What’s The Difference Between Natural & Purified Clinoptilolite? Fight Against the History of Lead Use with G-PUR® ZeoPERK™ ZeoSILK™ - Mixing Kit. If face makeup is part of your daily routine, it is vital to think about what you’re putting on your skin.
Over time, harsh environmental factors can leave your skin dull and damaged. Some face cosmetics contain harsh chemicals such as toxic heavy metals and/or toxic preservatives that may be absorbed by your skin. Cleansers do not always solve the problem. By going an extra step and using this specially formulated ZeoSILK™ face mask, you can help remove harmful toxins from the surface of your skin and deep inside your pores to make your skin feel refreshed, smooth and clean. Recommended ZeoSILK™ Use While clay masks work for all skin types, frequency of application may vary. Application frequency may also vary as climate changes. Additional benefits include: Binds toxins excreted through skin poresNon-irritating to skinLeaves skin looking firmDoes not over-dry skinImproves skin textureLeaves complexion visibly smoothFragrance, dye and preservative-free. ZeoRINSE - Best Fruit and Vegetable Wash.
Fight Against the History of Lead Use with G-PUR® What’s The Difference Between Natural & Purified Clinoptilolite? Top 5 Commercial Applications of Zeolite Apart From Being a Health Supplement. Planning to Buy Zeolites? Top 5 Questions Regarding Zeolites Answered. Powdered Zeolite or Liquid Zeolite: Which is the Best Zeolite Form?
An Insight into the Scientific Studies Performed on Zeolites Worldwide. Natural or Artificial: Which Zeolite is the Best for You? Mold, Mycotoxins and Produce: How and When it Gets in our Food Before Consumption. Posted at 13:45h in Blog by Black Bear Design Have you ever thought about what it takes to get food from the farm to your plate?
What steps — and the health hazards within each of them — are necessary to grow, harvest, wash, store, transport, and sell food that ends up in your home? The process is long, arduous, and full of moments where if proper handling and preparation aren’t taken into account, dangerous molds can thrive on certain foods. While the FDA identified recommended maximum mycotoxin levels that FDA considers adequate to protect human health and does some random sampling to verify compliance with these levels, it can’t catch everything. Furthermore, these levels are up to 5 times higher compared to what other countries, e.g. the European Union, consider a safe level. Toxic mold spores are the most dangerous aspect of mold, but there are also some byproducts or metabolites of mold, known as mycotoxins.
How Food Gets to Our Tables. Amazing Benefits Of Zeolite On Health. Natural or Artificial: Which Zeolite is the Best for You? Top 5 Reason Why Zeolites are Highly Beneficial for the Human Body. Zeolites: Their Origin, Properties, and Applications. An Insight into the Scientific Studies Performed on Zeolites Worldwide. Amazing Benefits of Zeolite. What are Zeolites and Are They Safe? Synthetic Zeolites: A Brief Description of their Origins and Chemical Structures. Learn About Zeolite Supplement Online. Top 5 Uses of Zeolites as a Health Supplement. A Historical Insight into the Chemistry and Development of Zeolites. 3 Major Health Issues and How Zeolites Help You Get Rid of Them. An Analysis of How Zeolites are Naturally Formed. Production of Zeolites: How Are They Made? A Brief Analysis of the Chemical Structure and Types of Zeolites.