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Force Field Analysis - Decision-Making Skills from MindTools. Analyzing the Pressures For and Against Change How to use Force Field Analysis, with James Manktelow & Amy Carlson. Force Field Analysis is a useful decision-making technique. It helps you make a decision by analyzing the forces for and against a change, and it helps you communicate the reasoning behind your decision. You can use it for two purposes: to decide whether to go ahead with the change; and to increase your chances of success, by strengthening the forces supporting change and weakening those against it. About the Tool Force Field Analysis was created by Kurt Lewin in the 1940s. You use the tool by listing all of the factors (forces) for and against your decision or change.

You can then look at strengthening the forces that support the change and managing the forces against the change, so that it's more successful. How to Use the Tool To carry out a Force Field Analysis, use a blank sheet of paper or whiteboard, or download our worksheet. What business benefit will the change deliver? Free online learning for careers, work, management, business training and education: find materials, articles, ideas, people and providers for teaching, career training, self-help, ethical business education and leadership; for personal, career and organi.

Accueil. Comprendre en conscience | NW-Science. Érudit. Reasoning Well: - skills for philosophy.