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Camtasia. CamStudio. Free Video Editor. Misc Nightly automated builds available on Sourceforge mirror. The binaries available here are freely redistributable (cover mount CD/DVD, download site,...) BUT they must be redistributed as they are. The win32/win64 windows binaries are compiled on linux, the risk of viruses, trojan etc is basically zero. CHECK THE MD5SUM! NB: The "VC++"" binaries are compiled on windows Linux, source 2.8.1 (tar.gz), FossHub, SHA256 : 77d9bdca8683ce57c192b69d207cfab7cf92a7759ce0f63fa37b5c8e42ad3da2 see 2.6.x compilation instructions Linux 64, Universal binaries 2.8.1 (appImage), FossHub SHA256:4e685fbad0b59d007c5a23ab5fd47948ea5979601e693521f7b842edd4d768a3 : (dont forget to do "chmod +x avidemux_2.8.xxxxx.appImage" !).

Linux 64, Universal binaries for old systems 2.8.1 Legacy (appImage), FossHub SHA256:f9a363ec616735ae812e15d5d6a1f56f349855184a9740ec457048521d2ed118 : (dont forget to do "chmod +x avidemux_2.8.xxxxx.appImage" !). Repositories: Debian — Christian Marillat packages Windows. Video Tools.