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La pervenche ? vasodilatateur du cerveau (attention aux personnes ayant deja eu 1 avc !) Introduction aux nootropes. Avez vous déjà entendu parler des nootropes ? Non ? Pas étonnant, ce n’est pas un phénomène très répandu en France. En fait, les nootropes (ou nootropiques) sont une classe de médicaments qui améliorent en toute sécurité (relative, n’importe quel crétin est capable d’overdoser en caféine) les fonctions mentales comme la mémoire, la motivation, l’humeur, la concentration, l’état d’éveil, l’intelligence, la libido, la neurogenèse, la concentration… Certains améliorent les capacités de l’esprit sur le long terme (en utilisation continue), d’autres sur le court terme et d’autres sont même capables de laisser une trace permanente même après arrêt du traitement (exemple : le Noopept stimule l’expression de certaines Neurotrophines ce qui entraine la création de nouvelles cellules dans le cerveau).

Pour qu’un médicament soit officiellement classé comme un nootrope son utilisation doit améliorer la santé globale de l’esprit. Pourquoi en prendre ? Pourquoi pas ? C’est vraiment sûr ? [illustration] Abus de nootropes chez les jeunes : danger pour le cerveau. Photo : iStockphoto Les jeunes qui abusent des nootropes (« smart drugs », en anglais) pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats scolaires risquent d'endommager leur cerveau, préviennent des chercheurs américains. Ils pourraient notamment réduire la plasticité de leur cerveau, une capacité essentielle à la planification, à l'adaptation des comportements et au passage d'une tâche à une autre, disent les scientifiques des universités du Delaware et Drexel. Le méthylphénidate (Concerta, Ritalin) est le nootrope le plus fréquemment prescrit aux jeunes; qui augmente les niveaux de neurotransmetteurs dans le système nerveux.

Environ 1,3 million d'adolescents américains auraient toutefois abusé du produit au cours du dernier mois. Des expériences menées sur des souris ont démontré que le cerveau en développement est très sensible au méthylphénidate. Le modafinil (Provigil) est aussi très populaire; il augmente les niveaux de dopamine entre les synapses des cellules nerveuses du cerveau.

Sulbutiamine (Arcalion® 200)

What Are Nootropics « What Are Nootropics. Beginner Nootropic Regimen What Are Nootropics. This regimen is designed for those who are new to nootropics. It is a safe, cheap, and balanced way for beginners to boost their overall cognitive abilities. The regimen makes use of the synergy between Piracetam and Choline to improve memory, focus, and motivation while Lion’s Mane contributes to long term mental health.

The Regimen: Piracetam: one of the oldest and most researched nootropics, piracetam improves many measures of mental performance and overall cognitive health. Choline: helps increase the levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and is synergistic with piracetam. Lion’s Mane: increases NGF, leading to new neurons being grown and existing neurons better able to repair themselves. Goals of the Regimen The goal of this regimen is to promote overall mental health and cognitive abilities.

Benefits of the Regimen 1. 2. 3. How Are These Benefits Provided? Promoting Overall Mental Health All three of the nootropics in this regimen work together to meet this need. Improving Memory. Beginner Natural Regimen What Are Nootropics. Below is a basic nootropic regimen which uses completely natural nootropics. It provides a powerful cognitive boost while being simple to take and not using any pharmaceuticals. The Regimen: Goals of the Regimen The goal of this regimen is to promote an array of cognitive functions.

It is designed so users can concentrate better on their work, solve problems more efficiently, and remember information better. Benefits of the Regimen 1. 2. 3. How Are These Benefits Provided? 1. Bacopa is shown to improve the speed of visual information processing. 2. Ginko biloba also has your back when it comes in enhancing your memory. Is This Regimen Right For Me? Do you have problems staying concentrated on your work for long periods at a time? Recommended Starting Doses Bacopa monnieri: Start with 100mg taken 2 times evenly throughout the day.Ginko biloba: Start with 240mg taken once per day.Lion’s Mane: With virtually no side effects it is perfectly safe to start at 500mg taken once per day. Cited Sources. Nootropic Regimens What Are Nootropics.

You can gain the best results from taking nootropics when you take a regimen of different nootropics which compliment each other and provide the same benefits through different mechanisms of action. While experienced nootropic users should customize a regimen to fit their goals, following example regimens is a good place for beginners to start. Below are some example regimens designed to provide different benefits. Beginner Nootropic Regimen A very basic nootropic regimen which is perfect for beginners. Will offer slight benefits to memory, focus, and clarity of thought. See Regimen Beginner Natural Regimen Another beginner regimen which consists of only natural nootropics.

Memory Enhancement Regimen A more advanced regimen made of up complimentary nootropics which all improve memory. Focus Enhancement Regimen A more advanced regimen made of up complimentary nootropics which improve your ability to focus. Nootropic Nutrient Regimen. Fish Oil What Are Nootropics. Fish oil is an extremely popular supplement which has been shown to have many positive effects on the mind and body. Benefits: Reduces the risk of depression and suicide. [5]Reduces the risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. [1][2][3]Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.Helps protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease [6] and Parkinson’s disease[7]Slows bone less rate and increases bone density. [1]Facilitates weight loss and decreases blood sugar when combined with regular exercise. [1]Improves thinking skills and behavior in 8 to 12 year olds with ADHD. [1]Lowers risk of stroke by as much as 27%. [1]Long term use of 2 years or longer is associated with slowing the loss of kidey functions in high risk patients. [1]Buy Fish Oil at Amazon What Is Fish Oil?

As evidenced by its name, fish oil is harvested from the tissues of oily fish. Fish Oil Dosage Information How Does Fish Oil Work? Safety and Side Effects of Fish Oil Fish Oil FAQ Buy Fish Oil at Amazon. Nootropic List - What Are Nootropics What Are Nootropics. There are countless drugs and supplements that have been shown to improve at least one aspect of cognitive performance. Below is a list of the ones we have in-depth articles about. If you know of a nootropic that is missing and you would like added to the list please email us at The Nootropics: 5-HTP | Adrafinil | Aniracetam | Ashwagandha | Bacopa | Caffeine | Centrophenoxine | Choline | Creatine | DMAE | DHEA | Fish Oil | GABA | Galantamine | Ginseng | Ginkgo Biloba | Green Tea | Huperzia Serrata | Iodine | Lion’s Mane | Melatonin | Modafinil | Noopept | Oxiracetam | Picamilon | Piracetam | Piperine | Pramiracetam | Pterostilbene | Pyritinol | Rhodiola Rosea | St.

John’s Wort | Sulbutiamine | Theanine | Tyrosine | Uridine | Vinpocetine | Vitamin B6 Dihydromyricetin Dihydromyricetin is a supplement which is a potent antioxidant, prevents hangovers, and acts as a “sober pill.” Dosage: 300 – 400 mg when needed Learn More Dosage: 50 – 100mg three times a day Bacopa. How To Make A Bomb | Teks | Synchronium. No, this post won’t be a detailed guide to clandes­tine hexa­methylene triper­oxide diamine man­u­fac­ture, sorry!

Instead of ter­rorism, today’s post will focus on a great harm reduc­tion tech­nique called bombing (or para­chuting for us in the far-​​less-​​extreme UK). The Problem: You have a bag of a drugs. That bag of drugs can be snorted, or it can be eaten. Unfor­tu­nately, your nose wasn’t meant for hoovering up monster lines of chem­ical. Suppose at this point, you still have most of your massive bag of drugs left — what do you do? That’s just the phys­ical side of things. The Solution: If your bag of drugs also works well when eaten, eat that shit! Step 1: Get Your Shit Together You will need: Rizlas (or whatever brand of rolling paper is most pre­valent where you’re from)A bag of drugsSome­thing to transfer the drugs from the bag to the papers Step 2: Take A Single Paper Step 3: Tear Off The Excess You don’t need much, prob­ably about an inch or so. Safety first! Step 10: Form A Tail.

THE CAPSULE MACHINE | Capsule Connection.