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Illustrations "contes et légendes"

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Тролли, эльфы, привидения и другие монстры со стикеров. Когда речь заходит о страшных сказках, творчество Дона Кенна - один из ярчайших примеров.

Тролли, эльфы, привидения и другие монстры со стикеров

Его стиль едва ли возможно спутать с чьим-либо еще. Простой и уверенный рисунок шариковой ручкой на излюбленных желтых стикерах для заметок – этого достаточно для создания целого своеобразного мира. Дон Кенн родился в Дании, ему немного за тридцать, и он не совсем художник. Дон – создатель и директор телевизионного шоу, причем шоу детского, а также писатель. Кроме того, у него есть и свой собственный «комплект» детей, и, ясное дело, времени на рисование у него не так уж и много. В мире Дона Кенна обитают всевозможные персонажи из богатого бестиария скандинавского фольклора.

В присутствии монстров Дон часто изображает детей, причем дети далеко не всегда боятся чудовищ. Рисунки Дона Кенна порою сравнивают с работами других художников (что неизбежно в большом художественном мире) и чаще всего, пожалуй, с работами Йона Бауэра и Эдварда Гори. Иллюстрации Йона Бауэра к шведским сказкам. Arthur Rackham. Bilibine. Artist Andrea Dezsö’s Enchanting Black-and-White Illustrations for the Little-Known Original Edition of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales. By Maria Popova “Tales are powerful instruments and should be wielded skillfully.”

Artist Andrea Dezsö’s Enchanting Black-and-White Illustrations for the Little-Known Original Edition of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

In December of 1812, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, then in their twenties, published the first volume of what would become the world’s most enduring and beloved fairy tales, which have raised generations of children and inspired endless reimaginings, most recently by Neil Gaiman. But what most of us know today — the most commonly known Grimm tales, those most continually reprinted, widely translated, and even more widely celebrated — is the 1857 edition, which has very little to do with the original.

Over the forty-five years and six editions in between, the Grimm brothers refined, revised, and wholly rewrote the tales beyond recognition. 'The Frog King, or Iron Henry' In publishing our collection we wanted to do more than just perform a service for the history of [poetry]. 'The Three Sisters' 'The Wild Man' 'The Elves' 'The Godfather' MARIA POPOVA: Your artwork is so intricate, so delicately detailed. The Art of Children's Illustrated Books - The Honeybee and the Hare.

The illustrations in children’s books are the first paintings most children see and because of that they are incredibly important.

The Art of Children's Illustrated Books - The Honeybee and the Hare

What we see and share at that age stays with us for life. Anthony Browne I have always loved books and as a child some of my greatest treasures were stories illustrated with beautiful workings in pencil, pen or paint. The pictures would create a visual context for the tales and bring to life worlds both real and imagined. I would spend hours gazing at the illustrations longing to crawl into the very pages. When I was young I think I mostly responded to how the illustrations made me feel and in many ways this hasn’t changed. The verbal patterns and the patterns of behaviour we present to children in these light-hearted confections are likely to influence them for the rest of their lives. David Weisner For some children books are the first foray into the world of stories and are a safe haven of the imagination.

Gleeson White Related Illustration Friday: Puppet. Illustration: John Bauer's Bland Tomtar Och Troll - - Serving the Online Animation Community. Like many of the artists we feature here on this blog, John Bauer is a name that not many people know.

Illustration: John Bauer's Bland Tomtar Och Troll - - Serving the Online Animation Community

His career was relatively short, but his influence was far reaching. Born in 1882 in Sweden, Bauer studied at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts. In 1904, he illustrated his first book, Lappland, but in 1907 he began work on a series of Christmas annuals that would make him famous. Bland Tomtar Och Troll (Among Gnomes and Trolls) is a Swedish tradition, beginning in 1907 and continuing to this very day. I’m afraid I don’t speak Swedish, so I can’t speak for the folk tales Bauer is illustrating, but the illustrations are stunning. Bauer had a way with trolls… they are grotesque, yet appealing. Very little information on Bauer exists outside of his native country of Sweden. Stephen Worth DirectorAnimation Resources This posting is part of a series of articles comprising an online exhibit spotlighting Illustration. Kay Nielsen. Kay Nielsen (1886-1957) était un illustrateur danois populaire au début du vingtième siècle, lors de 'l'âge d'or de l'illustration'.

Kay Nielsen

L'univers des contes de fées et de la fantasy. Nordic Thoughts. Arthur Rackham (1867-1939) Arthur Rackham est un illustrateur anglais, très connu pour ses illustrations de livres pour enfants : les Contes des frères Grimm, Alice au pays des merveilles, Peter Pan...

Arthur Rackham (1867-1939)

Arthur Rackham. John bauer.