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Food Cravings and Mental Health. These are stressful times we live in right now, that is for sure.

Food Cravings and Mental Health

A very common coping mechanism to soothe our stress, anxiety or depression is with food. This is when we crave those comfort foods the most to help us feel better. But does this actually work? Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. A New Approach to Therapy with Natural Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Naturopath Fertility Toronto. Naturopath IBS Toronto. Holistic Nutritionist Toronto. Naturopathic Doctors Toronto. Naturopathic Doctor Toronto Downtown. Natural Treatment for PMS Toronto - Greystones Health. Holistic Health Toronto. The Best Treatment for Hypothyroidism Toronto by Greystones Health. Fatigue Treatment Toronto - Greystones Health.

The adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys play an important part in producing our body’s hormones.

Fatigue Treatment Toronto - Greystones Health

If we are under stress for long periods of time, the functioning of the adrenal gland can slow down, resulting in lower cortisol hormone production. Another possibility is cortisol resistance which means there is enough cortisol made but the cells around the body stop responding to the hormone because of chronically high cortisol levels. Cortisol is one of our stress hormones, but is also important for energy and supports our sleep-wake cycle, the Circadian rhythm.Adrenal fatigue can be tricky to diagnose because it can present with very similar symptoms to a slow thyroid, such as hair loss, weight gain (specifically around the abdomen), low or depressed moods, no motivation, sleep problems with waking up in the night, and the sensation of a racing heart (palpitations). There also tends to be more problems with memory, such as short term memory loss from adrenal fatigue.

Treatment for Hypothyroidism Toronto. A natural treatment for irritable bowel syndrome Toronto. Natural Treatment Migraines Toronto - Gifyu. Natural Treatment Chronic Pain Toronto - Gifyu. Naturopath Downtown Toronto - Gifyu. Naturopathic Mental Health Toronto - Gifyu. Best Naturopath Toronto - Gifyu. How Can Women Get Back (Or Keep) Their Libido? It’s late.

How Can Women Get Back (Or Keep) Their Libido?

And you have a headache. But what’s really behind that lack of sexual interest you’ve been feeling for a while? When the relationship itself is in a good place, and you’re there in theory… just not in body, you may be wondering about your hormone balance. Dr. Julia Segal, ND goes there, and beyond, in this post on restoring women’s libido. So, does libido come down to hormone levels? Well, yes and no. Yes – because our levels of estrogen and progesterone directly feed into the sex drive. However, these sex hormones are not the ONLY factors affecting libido, and they themselves are influenced by other hormones and processes in the body. Getting your stress hormones tested in addition to your sex hormones is an important part of our Toronto Naturopaths approach to restoring libido.

Of course, we also need to address the lifestyle and mind-body factors that feed into imbalanced stress and sex hormones. Natural Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Naturopathy for Fatigue Treatment Toronto by Greystones Health. Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Toronto. In last week’s blog post we talked about IBS, what it is, and some possible causes for it.

Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Toronto

This week we want to focus on treatment options for it. Conventional medical treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) focus on managing symptoms and include dietary fibre, laxatives, antispasmodics, anti-diarrheal medications, antibiotics, antidepressants, and some newer medications that alter intestinal motility and sensitivity. A low-dose probiotic is sometimes prescribed by medical doctors, but the results of such treatment are mixed and depend on both the patient as well as on the bacterial strain that’s used. The difference in how our Toronto naturopaths approach IBS treatment relates to the target of treatment. Unlike in medical treatment, where the goal is to eliminate symptoms, the goal of naturopathic treatment is to eliminate the underlying causes of symptoms as well as to restore optimal function to every level of the digestive system and the body. Fatigue Treatment Toronto.

How to manage acid reflux treatment Toronto. Natural Treatment for PMS Toronto. Natural Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Natural Treatment for Acne. Acid Reflux Treatment Toronto. Treatment for GERD Toronto. Relief for Acid Reflux. Acid reflux (aka heartburn or GERD) can be very uncomfortable, and when the symptoms are at their peak, it can affect a person’s quality of life.

Relief for Acid Reflux

We have heard stories from patients who suffer with acid reflux where they’re up all night because as soon as they lie down, they feel like they’re going to throw up. Not to mention, that persistent feeling of burning or something stuck in your throat is quite uncomfortable. Many people will end up buying over the counter medications to ease their symptoms, which is a problem. By reducing the stomach acid to relieve the symptoms you also are stopping the absorption of your nutrition. So, what are some natural treatment options for acid reflux? Before we discuss some natural treatments for acid reflux, it is important to understand why it is occurring in the first place. Naturopathy for Fatigue Treatment Toronto. Greystones Health: The Best Treatment for Hypothyroidism Toronto. There are millions of people in the US who suffer from thyroid problems on a daily basis.

Greystones Health: The Best Treatment for Hypothyroidism Toronto

When you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, it means that you have an under-active thyroid gland. This means that your thyroid is simply unable to produce enough hormone to manage normal bodily functions. When your thyroid no longer works the way it should, you start to notice changes such as weight gain, loss of hair, dry and patchy skin, and depressive symptoms. How to Transform Your Health with a Holistic Nutritionist Toronto by Greystones Health. A New Approach to Therapy with Natural Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Toronto, December 19, 2020: A recent medical release concerning the impact of PCOS on the quality of life of women, revealed that more women over the age of 40 experience higher incidences of depression and anxiety, and the worsening of PCOS symptoms.

A New Approach to Therapy with Natural Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

With up to 18% of women in the US affected by polycystic ovarian syndrome in their thirties, new research has revealed that many individuals continue to experience PCOS symptoms well into their forties and fifties, increasing the risk of depression, stress, and ongoing anxiety. With the introduction of a natural treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome more women can learn how to live a better quality of life by managing their symptoms more effectively.

PCOS can cause debilitating effects on healthy function. By incorporating an alternative treatment offering ongoing support and holistic lifestyle changes, more women can learn how to manage the impact that the condition has on their overall well-being. How to Manage Acid Reflux Treatment Toronto. A Natural Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Toronto – Greystones Health. Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a condition involving the gastrointestinal system.

A Natural Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Toronto – Greystones Health

Individuals suffer from symptoms of gas, belching, stomach aches and cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. Not only are these symptoms uncomfortable but embarrassing too! It can prevent you from attending social events or pursuing relationships. It is also disruptive in a work environment and usually made worse by chronic stress and anxiety. With treatment for irritable bowel syndrome Toronto clients can find relief from the symptoms that are causing severe limitations.

When you visit your naturopathic doctor, he or she will first perform a complete physical exam. Because there is no definitive cause for the occurrence of IBS, many people simply do not respond to the use of conventional medicine. If you have tried many types of therapies to manage your IBS but none have offered lasting relief, it is time to consider naturopathic medicine.

Natural Treatment for PMS Toronto. Natural Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Natural Treatment for Acne. Acid Reflux Treatment Toronto. Treatment for GERD Toronto. How do I keep my energy up this winter? - Greystones. When the sun sets before 5:00 p.m. and time outdoors is limited, work and routines pile up, and the cold/flu season starts to make its impact along with the colder weather, most people feel a marked difference in their energy level as compared with summer time.

How do I keep my energy up this winter? - Greystones

This may manifest in a lower mood, feelings of being overwhelmed with day to day tasks, or simple fatigue at times. Natural Treatment for PMS Toronto Toronto. PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome is often thought of having a low or irritable mood associated with changes in hormones.

Natural Treatment for PMS Toronto Toronto

However, women may experience many other symptoms in addition to the mood changes, such as low energy, cramps, bloating, headaches, acne, food cravings, and feeling cold. Greystones Health has a variety of great natural treatment options that includes nutritional products, herbal products and acupuncture. Contact Us: 2 Carlton St Suite 1522, Toronto, ON, M5B 1J3 Phone: 416-636-6675 Email: Contact seller. The benefits of naturopathic medicine Toronto. Diabetes risk and PPI Use - Greystones. Since November is diabetes awareness month we are dedicating this month’s blog posts to information about diabetes, and how naturopathic medicine can help.

For today’s post, before we start talking about diabetes, we need to first discuss a very common condition that our clinic deals with a lot. That is, acid reflux or GERD. Many people experience a burning sensation which is also referred to as heartburn, or the sensation that food is travelling up their throat from their stomach. This burning sensation is stomach acid that travels up the esophagus and causes discomfort. One of the ways doctors treat patients with acid reflux is to prescribe something called a PPI, or proton pump inhibitor, which reduces stomach acid production and eases the symptoms.

Acid Reflux Treatment Toronto. Natural Treatment Infertility Toronto by Greystones Health. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Holistic Nutrition Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopath Toronto Downtown. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Natural Treatment Epilepsy Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Best Naturopathic Clinic Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Natural Treatment Eczema Toronto. Insulin and Diabetes - Greystones. In light of diabetes awareness month, we’d like to focus on explaining all things insulin. Did you know, you can develop insulin resistance before you’re ever diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? And it’s not as uncommon as you’d think.

Insulin is a hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) levels. It moves sugar out of your blood stream and into your body’s cells where it’s stored. This is what happens in a healthy body. ‘Insulin resistance’ is what happens when your cells don’t respond to insulin properly – so, rather than the sugar being kept in storage, they hang out in your bloodstream. Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Toronto. Greystones Health provides you natural treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) experts in Toronto. We have developed a protocol we call the digestive reboot that rapidly stops the major problems of IBS such as bloating, flatulence (gas), cramping, pain, constipation and/or diarrhea.

We also offer the possibility for food intolerance testing. If you're ready to get at the root cause and heal your gut it's time to come in and talk to one of our naturopathic doctors. 2 Carlton St Suite 1522, Toronto, ON, M5B 1J3 Phone: 416-636-6675 Email: Contact seller. Achieve your best health with naturopath digestion Toronto. Supporting Mental Health Part 3 (Anxiety) - Greystones. Last week we talked about panic and panic attacks, and this week we want to talk a bit more about anxiety. While the two can be very similar, anxiety can present different symptoms and challenges for people. Did you know that anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed mental health condition in the world?

Did you also know there are different types of anxieties such as generalized anxiety, social anxiety, and conditions such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and depression that can also influence anxiety? Natural Treatment Anxiety Toronto. The advantages of naturopath fertility Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Natural Treatment IBS Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Natural Fertility Support Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Natural Treatment Bloating Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Toronto Natural Treatment Depression. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Holistic Nutrition Clinics Toronto. Supporting Mental Health: Part 1 - Greystones. October is mental health awareness month, so we thought we would dedicate this month’s blog posts to topics about mental health support. Earlier in the year we wrote a couple of posts how exercise can help support mental health – you can catch those articles here.

This month we want to turn to our naturopathic doctors to discuss some topics that are on the rise in society as the COVID case numbers rise: namely, fear, panic, anxiety, and depression. Fear Believe it or not, fear is actually a biochemical response that all humans and animals have used to help us assess danger. However, in today’s society we don’t quite need the same heightened sense of security. What is important to recognize first is that the fear response is not there to harm us – it’s a response from the body to try to protect us.

What’s important to know here is that this is not the same as counselling. Food Intolerance Testing in Toronto by Greystones Health. Best Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto. Seeking alternative strategies to manage your well-being can provide the support needed to overcome limitations and live a balanced life. How do I Strengthen my Immunity? - Greystones. In these previous blogs, our Toronto Naturopath Dr. Julia Segal, ND shared ways to prepare our children and ourselves for a healthy school year. Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. How naturopathic doctors Toronto have transformed healthcare. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopathic Medicine Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopath Digestion Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Toronto Naturopath Skin. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Natural Treatment Infertility Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Natural Treatment IBD Toronto.

How I’m Preparing My Child for Back to School - Greystones. Continuing our conversation with our Toronto naturopath Dr. Julia Segal from last week, we are discussing tips to prepare kids for back to school. If you missed the first half of this post, you can catch it here. Food Intolerance Testing Toronto - 46225643. How Effective is Naturopath Fertility Toronto? by Greystones Health. Do men experience Postpartum? - Greystones. We’re continuing the blog theme from last week about hormonal changes for men as they enter fatherhood, with our Toronto Naturopath, Dr. Julia Segal. Why experiencing a diversity of flavours is important - Greystones. In last week’s blog, our Toronto naturopath spoke about the importance of the sweet flavour, even if added sugar is not so healthy. This week, we’ll address the other four basic flavours and why a diet packed full of diverse flavours supports your health. Naturopath IBS Toronto. The Benefits of Alternative and Naturopath Weight Loss Toronto by Greystones Health.

Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopath Infertility Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Natural Treatment Insomnia Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Food Intolerance Testing Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Toronto Naturopath Skin. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopathic Medicine Toronto. What is the difference between eczema and psoriasis? - Greystones. Skin that looks dry, white and scaly, feels itchy and/or painful, and may sometimes bleed, could fall into the category of psoriasis or eczema.

There is a whole spectrum of skin appearances that could be considered eczema, as well as psoriasis, and it isn’t always cut and dry. Differentiating the two can be helpful in knowing what to expect as well as for helping your naturopath guide your treatment. Location One of the most obvious and common ways to differentiate between eczema and psoriasis is by where on the body it presents itself. Eczema most often appears on fingers and hands, inside of elbow and knee creases, in the folds of the neck, and sometimes on the eyelids or around the mouth. Naturopath Infertility Toronto. At Greystones Health, we offer natural infertility treatment for both men and women.

We help you by explaining the process, improving egg and sperm quality for best outcomes and potentially saving you money by getting you faster success. We support you with custom plan that is science-based and will include supplements, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle changes. The advantages of holistic nutrition Toronto. What is Umami Flavour - and How To Incorporate It - Greystones. Umami in Japanese means “pleasant savoury taste.” The taste derives from certain amino acids, found in vegetable and animal proteins. Naturopathic Doctors Toronto.

Seeking alternative strategies to manage your well-being can provide the support needed to overcome limitations and live a balanced life. Discover Alternative Care with Naturopath IBS Toronto by Greystones Health. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopath Fertility Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopath IBS Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Holistic Nutritionist Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopathic Doctors Toronto. Naturopathic Medicine Canada — Naturopathic Doctor Toronto Downtown. Diversity of flavours in food and how it’s important - Greystones. Part 1 – Why the sweet flavour is actually important for your health Food and diet trends aside, the human palate, and the human body, require five flavours for balanced digestion, enjoyment and health – the same five they always have. Experiencing all the flavours is important in achieving a sustainable, healthy eating practice – and enjoying it. In this week’s blog, our Toronto naturopaths share their take on the ever controversial sweet flavour.

The sweet flavour has got a bad rap in recent years, since the perils of our over-sugared food industry horrible effects on health have become known. Carbohydrates are also something many people spend periods of time avoiding all together for the sake of weight loss. Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto (Health & Beauty - Health Services)