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Due Date Notifications, List Move and Copy, Org Logos, And More! Lots of new stuff today!

Due Date Notifications, List Move and Copy, Org Logos, And More!

Let’s just dive into it. Due Date Notifications We have a saying around the Fog Creek office. It’s this: “State not date.” Untitled.


Todo. Lifehacks. HOW TO: Live Inside Twitter and Still Stay Productive. Elliott Kosmicki is the founder of, a productivity and personal development blog for home business owners.

HOW TO: Live Inside Twitter and Still Stay Productive

You can also follow Elliott on Twitter. It's an addictive little habit, that Twitter. But what if there were ways for you to still keep your ugly tweeting habit while staying productive at the same time? Since I can't fully support the total indulgence in the tool that has the tech-world (and beyond) glued to their favorite Twitter client, I thought I would share a few very useful ways to make the service much more productive while you're living inside of it. Here are 10 things you can accomplish while never leaving your TweetDeck: