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Intelligence Squared US. The best content for the best publishers. The Inauguration of President Barack Obama - The Big Picture - B. Top 10 Online Tools to Connect With the Obama Administration. Shaun Dakin is the CEO and Founder of The National Political Do Not Contact Registry.

Top 10 Online Tools to Connect With the Obama Administration

With the arrival of the first truly technologically savvy President in Washington, DC many people have high expectations of both the President and Congress. After all, during the election became the hub for the campaign and supporters to do more than simply donate money online; it allowed users to organize themselves, create walk and call lists, post blogs, donate money and to tell the candidate what they wanted him to do and become. The reality is that outside of the Presidential campaign, much of government remains stuck in the technology dark ages. It wasn’t until the last few months that the US Congress decided that it was OK for a member of congress to post a YouTube video! Tactical Diversion. TwitPic / Share photos on Twitter. Lastnightsparty. The News is NASA Images. Reality Zone Home Page. Freedom Force International - Welcome.

Photos of the World. Media Matters. World Climate: Weather rainfall and temperature data.